Weitere Entscheidung unten: EGMR, 24.06.2003

   EGMR, 18.05.2004 - 67972/01   

EGMR, 18.05.2004 - 67972/01 (https://dejure.org/2004,39005)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 18.05.2004 - 67972/01 (https://dejure.org/2004,39005)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 18. Mai 2004 - 67972/01 (https://dejure.org/2004,39005)
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Volltextveröffentlichungen (2)

  • Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte


    Art. 6, Art. 6 Abs. 1, Art. 6 Abs. 3, Art. 6 Abs. 3 Buchst. a, Art. 6 Abs. 3 Buchst. c, Art. 36, Art. 36 Abs. 1, Art. 41 MRK
    Violation de l'art. 6-1 Dommage matériel - demande rejetée Préjudice moral - constat de violation suffisant Remboursement partiel frais et dépens (französisch)

  • Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte


    Art. 6, Art. 6 Abs. 1, Art. 6 Abs. 3, Art. 6 Abs. 3 Buchst. a, Art. 6 Abs. 3 Buchst. c, Art. 36, Art. 36 Abs. 1, Art. 41 MRK
    Violation of Art. 6 Pecuniary damage - claim dismissed Non-pecuniary damage - finding of violation sufficient Costs and expenses partial award (englisch)




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Wird zitiert von ... (63)Neu Zitiert selbst (8)

  • EGMR, 31.08.1999 - 39912/98


    Auszug aus EGMR, 18.05.2004 - 67972/01
    It observes that it is competent to apply only the European Convention on Human Rights, and that it is not its task to interpret or review compliance with other international conventions as such (see Di Giovine v. Portugal (dec.), no. 39912/98, 31 August 1999, and Hermida Paz v. Spain (dec.), no. 4160/02, 28 January 2003; see also Di Lazzaro v. Italy, no. 31924/96, Commission decision of 10 July 1997, Decisions and Reports 90-B, p. 134 at p. 139).
  • EGMR, 16.10.2001 - 71555/01


    Auszug aus EGMR, 18.05.2004 - 67972/01
    Although proceedings conducted in the absence of the defendant are not in themselves incompatible with Article 6 of the Convention, a denial of justice will nevertheless occur where a person convicted in absentia is unable subsequently to obtain from a court which has heard him a fresh determination of the merits of the charge, in respect of both law and fact, where it has not been unequivocally established that he has waived his right to appear and to defend himself (see Colozza, cited above, p. 15, § 29, and Einhorn v. France (dec.), no. 71555/01, § 33, ECHR 2001-XI).
  • EGMR, 28.01.2003 - 4160/02


    Auszug aus EGMR, 18.05.2004 - 67972/01
    It observes that it is competent to apply only the European Convention on Human Rights, and that it is not its task to interpret or review compliance with other international conventions as such (see Di Giovine v. Portugal (dec.), no. 39912/98, 31 August 1999, and Hermida Paz v. Spain (dec.), no. 4160/02, 28 January 2003; see also Di Lazzaro v. Italy, no. 31924/96, Commission decision of 10 July 1997, Decisions and Reports 90-B, p. 134 at p. 139).
  • EKMR, 10.07.1997 - 31924/96

    DI LAZZARO contre l'ITALIE

    Auszug aus EGMR, 18.05.2004 - 67972/01
    It observes that it is competent to apply only the European Convention on Human Rights, and that it is not its task to interpret or review compliance with other international conventions as such (see Di Giovine v. Portugal (dec.), no. 39912/98, 31 August 1999, and Hermida Paz v. Spain (dec.), no. 4160/02, 28 January 2003; see also Di Lazzaro v. Italy, no. 31924/96, Commission decision of 10 July 1997, Decisions and Reports 90-B, p. 134 at p. 139).
  • EGMR, 12.10.1992 - 14104/88

    T. c. ITALIE

    Auszug aus EGMR, 18.05.2004 - 67972/01
    Moreover, sub-paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) of paragraph 3 guarantee to "everyone charged with a criminal offence" the right "to defend himself in person", "to examine or have examined witnesses" and "to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used in court", and it is difficult to see how he could exercise these rights without being present (see Colozza v. Italy, judgment of 12 February 1985, Series A no. 89, p. 14, § 27; T. v. Italy, judgment of 12 October 1992, Series A no. 245-C, p. 41, § 26; F.C.B. v. Italy, judgment of 28 August 1991, Series A no. 208-B, p. 21, § 33; see also Belziuk v. Poland, judgment of 25 March 1998, Reports 1998-II, p. 570, § 37).
  • EGMR, 28.08.1991 - 12151/86

    F.C.B. c. ITALIE

    Auszug aus EGMR, 18.05.2004 - 67972/01
    Moreover, sub-paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) of paragraph 3 guarantee to "everyone charged with a criminal offence" the right "to defend himself in person", "to examine or have examined witnesses" and "to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used in court", and it is difficult to see how he could exercise these rights without being present (see Colozza v. Italy, judgment of 12 February 1985, Series A no. 89, p. 14, § 27; T. v. Italy, judgment of 12 October 1992, Series A no. 245-C, p. 41, § 26; F.C.B. v. Italy, judgment of 28 August 1991, Series A no. 208-B, p. 21, § 33; see also Belziuk v. Poland, judgment of 25 March 1998, Reports 1998-II, p. 570, § 37).
  • EGMR, 19.12.1989 - 10964/84


    Auszug aus EGMR, 18.05.2004 - 67972/01
    As regards non-pecuniary damage, the Court considers that, in the circumstances of the case, the finding of a violation constitutes in itself sufficient just satisfaction (see Brozicek v. Italy, judgment of 19 December 1989, Series A no. 167, p. 20, § 48; F.C.B. v. Italy, cited above, p. 22, § 38; and T. v. Italy, cited above, p. 43, § 32).
  • EGMR, 17.01.1970 - 2689/65


    Auszug aus EGMR, 18.05.2004 - 67972/01
    The Court considers that, in view of the prominent place held in a democratic society by the right to a fair trial (see, among many other authorities, Delcourt v. Belgium, judgment of 17 January 1970, Series A no. 11, pp. 14-15, § 25 in fine), Article 6 of the Convention imposes on every national court an obligation to check whether the defendant has had the opportunity to apprise himself of the proceedings against him where, as in the instant case, this is disputed on a ground that does not immediately appear to be manifestly devoid of merit (see, mutatis mutandis, as regards the obligation to check whether a court was "impartial", Remli v. France, judgment of 23 April 1996, Reports 1996-II, p. 574, §§ 47-48).
  • BVerfG, 15.12.2015 - 2 BvR 2735/14

    Gewährleistung einzelfallbezogenen Grundrechtsschutzes im Rahmen der

    Insoweit verpflichtet Art. 6 EMRK jedes nationale Gericht zur Prüfung, ob der Verfolgte Kenntnis vom Verfahren erlangt hat (vgl. EGMR, Somogyi v. Italien, Urteil vom 18. Mai 2004, Nr. 67972/01, § 72).
  • EGMR, 17.09.2009 - 10249/03

    Rückwirkende Strafschärfung und Anerkennung des Meistbegünstigungsprinzips als

    As regards individual measures, the Court observes that in many cases in which it found a violation of Article 6 of the Convention because an applicant had not been tried by an independent and impartial tribunal (see, among other judgments, Gençel v. Turkey, no. 53431/99, § 27, 23 October 2003, and Tahir Duran v. Turkey, no. 40997/98, § 23, 29 January 2004), or because of an interference with the right to participate in the trial (see Somogyi v. Italy, no. 67972/01, § 86, ECHR 2004-IV, and R.R. v. Italy, no. 42191/02, § 76, 9 June 2005) or with the right to examine prosecution witnesses (see Bracci v. Italy, no. 36822/02, § 75, 13 October 2005) the Court indicated in Chamber judgments that in principle the most appropriate remedy would be for the applicant to be given a retrial without delay if he or she so requested.
  • EGMR, 01.03.2006 - 56581/00


    Si une procédure se déroulant en l'absence du prévenu n'est pas en soi incompatible avec l'article 6 de la Convention, il demeure néanmoins qu'un déni de justice est constitué lorsqu'un individu condamné in absentia ne peut obtenir ultérieurement qu'une juridiction statue à nouveau, après l'avoir entendu, sur le bien-fondé de l'accusation en fait comme en droit, alors qu'il n'est pas établi qu'il a renoncé à son droit de comparaître et de se défendre (Colozza précité, § 29, Einhorn c. France (déc.), no 71555/01, § 33, CEDH 2001-XI, Krombach c. France, no 29731/96, § 85, CEDH 2001-II, et Somogyi c. Italie, no 67972/01, § 66, CEDH 2004-IV), ou qu'il a eu l'intention de se soustraire à la justice (Medenica précité, § 55).
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   EGMR, 24.06.2003 - 67972/01   

EGMR, 24.06.2003 - 67972/01 (https://dejure.org/2003,47812)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 24.06.2003 - 67972/01 (https://dejure.org/2003,47812)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 24. Juni 2003 - 67972/01 (https://dejure.org/2003,47812)
Tipp: Um den Kurzlink (hier: https://dejure.org/2003,47812) schnell in die Zwischenablage zu kopieren, können Sie die Tastenkombination Alt + R verwenden - auch ohne diesen Bereich zu öffnen.





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Wird zitiert von ... (0)Neu Zitiert selbst (2)

  • EGMR, 19.03.1991 - 11069/84


    Auszug aus EGMR, 24.06.2003 - 67972/01
    Ainsi, le grief dont on entend saisir la Cour doit d'abord être soulevé, au moins en substance, dans les formes et délais prescrits par le droit interne, devant les juridictions nationales appropriées (voir Akdivar et autres c. Turquie, arrêt du 16 septembre 1996, Recueil 1996-IV, § 66, et Cardot c. France, arrêt du 19 mars 1991, série A no 200, p. 18, § 34).
  • EGMR, 22.09.1994 - 13616/88


    Auszug aus EGMR, 24.06.2003 - 67972/01
    La finalité de l'article 35 est de ménager aux Etats contractants l'occasion de prévenir ou redresser les violations alléguées contre eux avant que ces allégations ne soient soumises aux organes de la Convention (voir, par exemple, Hentrich c. France, arrêt du 22 septembre 1994, série A no 296-A, p. 18, § 33, et Remli c. France, arrêt du 23 avril 1996, Recueil des arrêts et décisions 1996-II, p. 571, § 33).
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