   EGMR, 20.03.2012 - 26692/05   

EGMR, 20.03.2012 - 26692/05 (,16165)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 20.03.2012 - 26692/05 (,16165)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 20. März 2012 - 26692/05 (,16165)
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    Zu Ermittlungsverfahren bei Kindesmissbrauch - Straßburger Richter kritisieren Rumänien

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  • EGMR, 04.12.2003 - 39272/98

    M.C. c. BULGARIE

    Auszug aus EGMR, 20.03.2012 - 26692/05
    The Court reiterates that the obligation of the High Contracting Parties under Article 1 of the Convention to secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the rights and freedoms defined in the Convention, taken together with Article 3, requires States to take measures designed to ensure that individuals within their jurisdiction are not subjected to ill-treatment, including ill-treatment administered by private individuals (see M.C. v. Bulgaria, no. 39272/98, § 149, ECHR 2003-XII).
  • EGMR, 29.04.2002 - 2346/02

    Vereinbarkeit der strafrechtlichen Verfolgung der Beihilfe zum Selbstmord mit der

    Auszug aus EGMR, 20.03.2012 - 26692/05
    The right to human dignity and psychological integrity requires particular attention where a child is the victim of violence (see, mutatis mutandis, Pretty v. the United Kingdom, no. 2346/02, § 65, ECHR 2002-III).
  • EGMR, 12.11.2013 - 5786/08

    Gesetzeslücke: Menschenrechtsgerichtshof verurteilt Schweden wegen Nacktaufnahmen

    Pareilles mesures doivent viser à garantir le respect de la dignité humaine et la protection de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant (C.A.S. et C.S. c. Roumanie, no 26692/05, § 82, 20 mars 2012, et Pretty c. Royaume-Uni, no 2346/02, § 65, CEDH 2002-III).

    Dans C.A.S. et C.S. c. Roumanie (no 26692/05, 20 mars 2012), la Cour a clairement admis que les Etats sont tenus, en vertu des articles 3 et 8, de garantir une enquête pénale effective dans les affaires de violence à l'égard d'enfants ; elle se référait aux obligations internationales que l'Etat défendeur avait contractées aux fins de la protection des enfants contre toute forme d'abus.

  • EGMR, 10.11.2022 - 25426/20


    Pareilles mesures doivent viser à garantir le respect de la dignité humaine et la protection de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant (C.A.S. et C.S. c. Roumanie, no 26692/05, § 82, 20 mars 2012).
  • EGMR, 19.07.2018 - 60561/14

    Erfasst Art. 4 EMRK auch die Zwangsprostitution?

    Concerning such serious acts, the State's positive obligation to safeguard the individual's physical integrity may also extend to questions relating to the effectiveness of the criminal investigation (see, for instance, Y. v. Slovenia, no. 41107/10, 28 May 2015 ) and to the possibility of obtaining reparation and redress (see C.A.S. and C.S. v. Romania, no. 26692/05, 20 March 2012).
  • EGMR, 20.02.2024 - 6406/21


    In that connection, the Court emphasises the particular vulnerability of young persons and the special psychological factors involved in cases concerning sexual abuse of minors (see M.C. v. Bulgaria, no. 39272/98, § 183, ECHR 2003-XII, and C.A.S. and C.S. v. Romania, no. 26692/05, § 81, 20 March 2012).
  • EGMR, 28.05.2015 - 41107/10

    Y. v. SLOVENIA

    [1] no. 26692/05, 20 March 2012 and no. 42418/10, 24 July 2012.
  • EGMR, 03.10.2017 - 23022/13

    D.M.D. v. ROMANIA

    In such cases, Article 3 requires that the authorities conduct an effective official investigation into the alleged ill-treatment, even if such treatment has been inflicted by private individuals (see M.C., cited above, § 151; C.A.S. and C.S. v. Romania, no. 26692/05, § 69, 20 March 2012; and Denis Vasilyev v. Russia, no. 32704/04, §§ 98-99, 17 December 2009).

    Concerning children or other vulnerable individuals, the Court stated as follows in M. and M. v. Croatia (no. 10161/13, § 136, ECHR 2015 (extracts); see also, mutatis mutandis, C.A.S. and C.S. v. Romania, no. 26692/05, §§ 68-70 and 82, 20 March 2012, and Z and Others v. the United Kingdom, [GC], no. 29392/95, § 73, ECHR 2001-V):.

  • EGMR, 31.03.2016 - 30808/11

    A, B AND C v. LATVIA

    In support of this argument the Government relied on M.C. v. Bulgaria (no. 39272/98, ECHR 2003-XII); C.A.S. and C.S. v. Romania (no. 26692/05, 20 March 2012); and M. and C. v. Romania (cited above).

    While there is a rich body of case-law on the obligation to carry out an effective criminal investigation with the aim of establishing the facts and punishing the perpetrators when the alleged acts, even if committed by private persons, have reached the threshold of Article 3 (see, among other authorities, M.C. v. Bulgaria, no. 39272/98, §§ 151 and 153, ECHR 2003-XII, and C.A.S. and C.S. v. Romania, no. 26692/05, § 70, 20 March 2012), there are far fewer cases where the facts fall exclusively within the scope of Article 8 and concern minors.

  • EGMR, 06.06.2017 - 22998/13

    Y c. SUISSE

    La Cour rappelle également qu'il incombe aux États de protéger les enfants, qui sont particulièrement vulnérables, contre des actes de violence tombant sous le coup des articles 3 et 8 de la Convention, en adoptant des mesures efficaces qui doivent viser le respect de la dignité humaine et la protection de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant (voir, de manière générale, Söderman c. Suède [GC], no 5786/08, § 81, CEDH 2013, et C.A.S. et C.S. c. Roumanie, no 26692/05, § 82, 20 mars 2012).
  • EGMR, 16.01.2024 - 34426/20

    T.M.V. v. ROMANIA

    Although she relied on Articles 3, 6 and 8 of the Convention, the Court will examine the complaint under Articles 3 and 8, together (see Radomilja and Others v. Croatia [GC], nos. 37685/10 and 22768/12, §§ 114 and 126, 20 March 2018; and V.C. v. Italy, no. 54227/14, §§ 83-87, 1 February 2018, D.M.D. v. Romania, no. 23022/13, § 52, 3 October 2017, and C.A.S. and C.S. v. Romania, no. 26692/05, § 62, 20 March 2012).
  • EGMR, 24.03.2016 - 48475/09


    Combinée avec l'article 3, 1'obligation que l'article 1 de la Convention impose aux Hautes Parties contractantes de garantir à toute personne relevant de leur juridiction les droits et libertés consacrés par la Convention leur commande de prendre, sous certaines conditions, des mesures propres à empêcher que lesdites personnes ne soient soumises à des mauvais traitements, même administrés par des particuliers (voir M.C. c. Bulgarie, no 39272/98, § 149, CEDH 2003-XII ; C.A.S. et C.S. c. Roumanie, no 26692/05, § 68, 20 mars 2012).
  • EGMR, 04.06.2020 - 15343/15


  • EGMR, 18.10.2016 - 16143/10

    G.U. c. TURQUIE

  • EGMR, 01.02.2018 - 54227/14

    V.C. c. ITALIE

  • EGMR, 10.01.2019 - 65286/13


  • EGMR, 20.06.2019 - 7144/15


  • EGMR, 27.11.2012 - 3832/06

    M.N. c. BULGARIE

  • EGMR, 28.05.2020 - 39257/17


  • EGMR, 30.10.2012 - 43994/05

    E.M. c. ROUMANIE

  • EGMR, 12.07.2016 - 45104/05


  • EGMR, 11.04.2017 - 72092/12


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