   EKMR, 10.12.1986 - 12461/86   

EKMR, 10.12.1986 - 12461/86 (,12323)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 10.12.1986 - 12461/86 (,12323)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 10. Dezember 1986 - 12461/86 (,12323)
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Wird zitiert von ... (7)

  • OVG Schleswig-Holstein, 15.03.1995 - 2 L 34/95

    Bürgerkrieg; Bürgerkriebssituation; Bewaffnete Konflikte; Afghanistan

    The Commission moreover has taken account, in cases of expulsion, of a danger not arising out of the authorities of the State receiving the person concerned."; in die gleiche Richtung ebenso Entscheidung vom 10. Dezember 1986, Nr. 12461/86, Y. H. gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, D. R. Bd. 51, S. 259, 264: "Even assuming that the Commission may in such cases take into account an alleged danger arising from autonomous groups ..."; vgl. hierzu auch Frowein/Peukert, Europäische MenschenRechtsKonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Rdnr. 22 zu Art. 3, (S. 38)).

    Sie muß schließlich von einer erheblichen Eingriffsintensität sein (vgl. Entscheidung der Kommission v. 06. März 1980, Nr. 8581/79, a.a.O., S. 55: "The Commission finds that the applicant has failed to substantiate his allegation that he would be at special risk if returned to Turkey by virtue of his political views and thus he has failed to substantiate his claim against the United Kingdom Government of a potential breach of the Convention should they deport him."; in die gleiche Richtung Kommissionsentscheidung v. 10. Dezember 1986, Nr. 12461/86, a.a.O., S. 264: "In any event, the Commission finds that the application is also manifestly ill-founded for the following reasons.

  • OVG Schleswig-Holstein, 22.02.1995 - 2 L 18/95
    The Commission moreover has taken account, in cases of expulsion, of a danger not arising out of the authorities of the State receiving the person concerned."; in die gleiche Richtung ebenso Entscheidung vom 10. Dezember 1986, Nr. 12461/86, Y. H. gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, D. R. Bd. 51, S. 259, 264: "Even assuming that the Commission may in such cases take into account an alleged danger arising from autonomous groups ..."; vgl. hierzu auch Frowein/Peukert, Europäische MenschenRechtsKonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, Rdnr. 22 zu Art. 3, (S. 38)).

    Die Gefahr, der der Ausländer im Falle seiner Abschiebung in seinem Heimatland ausgesetzt sein wird, muß somit zunächst mit einem sehr hohen Grad der Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit ausgestattet sein, zum weiteren den jeweiligen Rechtssuchenden konkretindividuell betreffen (vgl. zu diesem Erfordernis VGH BW, Urt. v. 15. Juli 1993 - A 16 S 145/93 -, VGHBW RSpDienst 1993, Beilage 10, B 1 - 2 = VBlBW 1993, 480; dass., Beschl. v. 06. September 1993 - A 16 S 1508/93 -, VGHBW RSpDienst 1994, Beilage 2, B 4 = VBlBW 1994, 74; auch VG Ansbach, GB v. 16. Dezember 1992 - AN 13 K 90.42751 -, InfAuslR 1993, 156) und schließlich von einer erheblichen Eingriffsintensität sein (vgl. Entscheidung der Kommission v. 06. März 1980, Nr. 8581/79, a.a.O., S. 55: "The Commission finds that the applicant has failed to substantiate his allegation that he would be at special risk if returned to Turkey by virtue of his political views and thus he has failed to substantiate his claim against the United Kingdom Government of a potential breach of the Convention should they deport him."; in die gleiche Richtung Kommissionsentscheidung v. 10. Dezember 1986, Nr. 12461/86, a.a.O., S. 264: "In any event, the Commission finds that the application is also manifestly ill-founded for the following reasons.

  • EKMR, 11.01.1994 - 18056/91


    The Commission has repeatedly held that no right of an alien to enter or to reside in a particular country, nor a right not to be expelled from a particular country, is as such guaranteed by the Convention (see No. 12461/86, Dec. 10.12.86, D.R. 51, pp. 258, 264).

    This may be so even if the danger does not emanate from public authorities for whom the receiving State is responsible (No. 12461/86, Dec. 10.12.86, D.R. 51 p. 258, No. 21350/93, Dec. 13.10.93, unpublished).

  • EKMR, 13.10.1993 - 21350/93


    This may be so even if the danger does not emanate from public authorities for whom the receiving State is responsible (No. 12461/86, Dec. 10.12.86, D.R. 51 p. 258).
  • EKMR, 16.01.1996 - 25050/94


    The Commission has repeatedly held that no right of an alien to enter or to reside in a particular country, nor a right not to be expelled from a particular country, is as such guaranteed by the Convention (see No. 12461/86, Dec. 10.12.86, D.R. 51 pp. 258, 264).
  • EKMR, 16.01.1996 - 27646/95


    The Commission recalls that no right of an alien to enter or to reside in a particular country, nor a right not to be expelled from a particular country, is as such guaranteed by the Convention (see No. 12461/86, Dec. 10.12.86, D.R. 51 pp. 258, 264).
  • EKMR, 28.06.1995 - 25777/94


    The Commission has repeatedly held that no right of an alien to enter or to reside in a particular country, nor a right not to be expelled from a particular country, is as such guaranteed by the Convention (see No. 12461/86, Dec. 10.12.86, D.R. 51 pp. 258, 264).
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