   EGMR, 27.11.2012 - 13665/09   

EGMR, 27.11.2012 - 13665/09 (,55303)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 27.11.2012 - 13665/09 (,55303)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 27. November 2012 - 13665/09 (,55303)
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  • EGMR, 15.07.1982 - 8130/78

    Eckle ./. Deutschland

    Auszug aus EGMR, 27.11.2012 - 13665/09
    However, a decision or measure favourable to the applicant is not, in principle, sufficient to deprive him of his status as a victim, unless the national authorities have acknowledged in a sufficiently clear way, and then afforded redress for, the breach of the Convention (see Eckle v. Germany, 15 July 1982, § 66, Series A no. 51, Scordino v. Italy (no. 1) [GC], no. 36813/97, §§ 179-180, ECHR 2006-V and Mitterbauer v. Austria (dec.), no. 2027/06, 12 February 2009).
  • EGMR, 12.02.2009 - 2027/06


    Auszug aus EGMR, 27.11.2012 - 13665/09
    However, a decision or measure favourable to the applicant is not, in principle, sufficient to deprive him of his status as a victim, unless the national authorities have acknowledged in a sufficiently clear way, and then afforded redress for, the breach of the Convention (see Eckle v. Germany, 15 July 1982, § 66, Series A no. 51, Scordino v. Italy (no. 1) [GC], no. 36813/97, §§ 179-180, ECHR 2006-V and Mitterbauer v. Austria (dec.), no. 2027/06, 12 February 2009).
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