   EGMR - 1027/19, 1032/19, 45059/21, 45062/21, 45064/21, 45067/21, 47070/21, 47523/21, 47817/21, 48222/21, 49373/21, 50514/21, 51061/21, 53901/21, 54242/21, 55561/21, 57852/21, 58960/21, 59092/21, 59268/21, 57/22, 3982/22, 35287/22, 35544/22, 35790/22, 37335/22, 3   

Anhängiges Verfahren
EGMR - 1027/19, 1032/19, 45059/21, 45062/21, 45064/21, 45067/21, 47070/21, 47523/21, 47817/21, 48222/21, 49373/21, 50514/21, 51061/21, 53901/21, 54242/21, 55561/21, 57852/21, 58960/21, 59092/21, 59268/21, 57/22, 3982/22, 35287/22, 35544/22, 35790/22, 37335/22, 3 (,149766)
EGMR - 1027/19, Entscheidung vom 1032/19, 45059/21, 45062/21, 45064/21, 45067/21, 47070/21, 47523/21, 47817/21, 48222/21, 49373/21, 50514/21, 51061/21, 53901/21, 54242/21, 55561/21, 57852/21, 58960/21, 59092/21, 59268/21, 57/22, 3982/22, 35287/22, 35544/22, 35790/22, 37335/22, 3 (,149766)
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    Auszug aus EGMR - 1027/19

    5 (1) - unlawful detention - escorting to and detention at the police station for compiling an offence report from 6.00 p.m. until 10.10 p.m. on 22/06/2020,.


    5 (1) - unlawful detention - escorting to and detention at the police station for compiling an offence report from 6.10 p.m. until 10.30 p.m. on 22/06/2020,.


    5 (1) - unlawful detention - escorting to and detention at the police station for compiling an offence report from 6.20 p.m. on 22/06/2020 until 2.00 a.m. on 23/06/2020,.


    5 (1) - unlawful detention - escorting to and detention at the police station for compiling an offence report from 6.00 p.m. on 22/06/2020 until 12.30 a.m. on 23/06/2020,.

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