   EGMR, 05.03.2009 - 35493/05   

EGMR, 05.03.2009 - 35493/05 (,75520)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 05.03.2009 - 35493/05 (,75520)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 05. März 2009 - 35493/05 (,75520)
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  • EGMR, 05.03.2009 - 77144/01

    Rechtssache C. und T. gegen DEUTSCHLAND

    Der Rechtssache lagen zwei Individualbeschwerden (Nrn. 77144/01 und 35493/05) gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland zugrunde, die drei türkische Staatsangehörige, Frau A. C., Herr A. T. und Frau A. T. ("die Beschwerdeführer"), am 14. Mai 2001 nach Art. 34 der Konvention zum Schutz der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten ("die Konvention") beim Gerichtshof eingereicht hatten.
  • EGMR, 13.03.2018 - 35285/16


    77144/01 and 35493/05, 11 December 2007; and Karabulut v. Germany (dec.), no. 59546/12, § 40, 21 November 2017).
  • EGMR, 30.08.2016 - 40448/06


    Cela dit, dans le contexte d'une négligence médicale, le fait que le système juridique offre aux intéressés un recours devant les juridictions civiles pour obtenir réparation est important et pertinent pour permettre à la Cour de déterminer si l'État a satisfait à ses obligations positives (Calvelli et Ciglio c. Italie [GC], no 32967/96, § 51, CEDH 2002-I, Colak et Tsakiridis c. Allemagne, nos 77144/01 et 35493/05, § 30, 5 mars 2009, Silih c. Slovénie [GC], no 71463/01, §§ 192-196, 9 avril 2009, Gray c. Allemagne, no 49278/09, § 81, 22 mai 2014).
  • EGMR, 17.03.2016 - 23796/10


    77144/01 and 35493/05, §§ 19-20, 5 March 2009; and Silih v. Slovenia [GC], no. 71463/01, § 95, 9 April 2009), compensation for medical malpractice can be claimed under the law of tort or contract (see paragraph 44 above).
  • EGMR, 11.01.2024 - 76680/17

    D v. LATVIA

    77144/01 and 35493/05, 11 December 2007, in which the applicant's complaint was not admitted for an examination of its merits for failure to submit all relevant information).
  • EGMR, 02.05.2017 - 30376/13


    77144/01 and 35493/05, §§ 19-20, 5 March 2009; Silih, cited above, § 95; and Vasileva, cited above, § 70), compensation for medical malpractice can be claimed under the law of tort or contract (see paragraph 45 above).
  • EGMR, 16.02.2021 - 51282/18


    In the specific sphere of medical negligence, this obligation may be satisfied if the legal system affords victims a remedy in the civil courts, either alone or in conjunction with a remedy in the criminal courts, enabling any liability of the physicians concerned to be established and any appropriate civil redress, such as an order for damages, to be obtained (see Calvelli and Ciglio, cited above, § 51, and Colak and Tsakiridis v. Germany, nos. 77144/01 and 35493/05, § 30, 5 March 2009).
  • EGMR, 24.01.2017 - 52920/13


    However, even though the applicant's complaint concerns a private practitioner and not a State employee, the Court reiterates that Contracting States are under a positive obligation to maintain and apply in practice an adequate legal framework enabling victims to establish any liability on the part of the physicians concerned and to obtain appropriate civil redress, such as an award of damages, in appropriate cases (see S.B. v. Romania, cited above, § 66; compare, with regard to positive obligations under Article 2 of the Convention, Colak and Tsakiridis v. Germany, nos. 77144/01 and 35493/05, § 30, 5 March 2009, and Calvelli and Ciglio v. Italy [GC], no. 32967/96, § 51, ECHR 2002-I).
  • EGMR, 19.10.2010 - 29496/09


    Contracting States are therefore under a positive obligation to maintain and apply in practice an adequate legal framework affording protection against acts of violence by private individuals (see Sandra Jankovic v. Croatia, no. 38478/05, § 45, ECHR 2009-... (extracts)), as well as enabling victims to establish any liability of the physicians concerned and obtaining appropriate civil redress, such as an order for damages, in appropriate cases (see Codarcea v. Romania, no. 31675/04, § 103, 2 June 2009; compare, with regard to positive obligations under Article 2 of the Convention, Colak and Tsakiridis v. Germany, nos. 77144/01 and 35493/05, § 30, 5 March 2009; and Calvelli and Ciglio v. Italy [GC], no. 32967/96, § 51, ECHR 2002-I).
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