   EKMR, 03.12.1990 - 17120/90   

EKMR, 03.12.1990 - 17120/90 (,20336)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 03.12.1990 - 17120/90 (,20336)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 03. Dezember 1990 - 17120/90 (,20336)
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  • EGMR, 13.05.1980 - 6694/74


    Auszug aus EKMR, 03.12.1990 - 17120/90
    Other factors in assessing the requirements of "the interests of justice" include the importance of what is at stake for the applicant, e.g., the severity of the sentence, the personal ability of the applicant and the nature of the proceedings, e.g. complexity or importance of the issues or procedures involved (cf. Eur. Court H.R., Artico judgment of 13 May 1980, Series A no. 37 and Pakelli judgment of 25 April 1983, Series A no. 64).
  • EGMR, 25.04.1983 - 8398/78

    Pakelli ./. Deutschland

    Auszug aus EKMR, 03.12.1990 - 17120/90
    Other factors in assessing the requirements of "the interests of justice" include the importance of what is at stake for the applicant, e.g., the severity of the sentence, the personal ability of the applicant and the nature of the proceedings, e.g. complexity or importance of the issues or procedures involved (cf. Eur. Court H.R., Artico judgment of 13 May 1980, Series A no. 37 and Pakelli judgment of 25 April 1983, Series A no. 64).
  • EGMR, 02.03.1987 - 9562/81


    Auszug aus EKMR, 03.12.1990 - 17120/90
    In the Monnell and Morris judgment (Eur. Court H.R., Monnell and Morris judgment of 2 March 1987, Series A no. 115, p. 25, para. 67) of the European Court stated as follows:.
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