   EKMR, 18.10.1994 - 18696/91   

EKMR, 18.10.1994 - 18696/91 (,28047)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 18.10.1994 - 18696/91 (,28047)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 18. Oktober 1994 - 18696/91 (,28047)
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  • EGMR, 09.10.1979 - 6289/73


    Auszug aus EKMR, 18.10.1994 - 18696/91
    The Commission also recalls that it is initially for the individual applicant to select which legal remedy to pursue (Eur. Court H.R., Airey judgment of 9 October 1979, Series A no. 32, p. 12, para. 23).
  • EGMR, 24.10.1986 - 9118/80


    Auszug aus EKMR, 18.10.1994 - 18696/91
    Where therefore there is a choice of remedies open to the applicant to redress an alleged violation of the Convention, Article 26 ((Art. 26) of the Convention must be applied to reflect the practical realities of the applicant's position in order to ensure the effective protection of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Convention (No. 9118/80, Dec. 9.3.1983, D.R. 32 p. 165).
  • EGMR, 04.12.1979 - 7710/76

    Schiesser ./. Schweiz

    Auszug aus EKMR, 18.10.1994 - 18696/91
    In this respect, the Commission recalls that "paragraph 1 (c) forms a whole with paragraph 3" and ""competent legal authority' is a synonym, of abbreviated form, for "judge or other officer authorised by law to exercise judicial power'" (Eur. Court H.R., Ireland v. the United Kingdom judgment of 18 January 1978, Series A no. 25, p. 75, para. 199; Schiesser judgment of 4 December 1980, Series A no. 34, p. 12, para. 29).
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