   EKMR, 22.02.1995 - 24140/94   

EKMR, 22.02.1995 - 24140/94 (,30135)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 22.02.1995 - 24140/94 (,30135)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 22. Februar 1995 - 24140/94 (,30135)
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  • EGMR, 27.09.1990 - 12489/86

    Windisch ./. Österreich

    Auszug aus EKMR, 22.02.1995 - 24140/94
    The Convention organs' task is to ascertain whether the proceedings considered as a whole, including the way in which evidence was taken, were fair (see Eur. Court H.R., Windisch judgment of 27 September 1990, Series A no. 186 p. 10, para. 25).
  • EGMR, 10.08.2006 - 40476/98


    This is because, unlike the situations obtaining in all these cases, and in spite of the terminological similarity, review proceedings before the former Bulgarian Supreme Court were, after the reform of the CCP of 21 April 1990, not extraordinary proceedings, but part of the normal three-instance proceedings (see Stoitchkov and Shindarov v. Bulgaria, nos. 24571/94 and 24572/94, Commission decision of 28 June 1995, Decisions and Reports 82, p. 85, at p. 94; Petrov v. Bulgaria, no. 24140/94, Commission decision of 22 February 1995, unreported; Stankov and the United Macedonian Organisation Ilinden, nos. 29221/95 and 29225/95, Commission decision of 29 June 1998, unreported; Marintchev v. Bulgaria (dec.), no. 43232/98, 8 July 2003; and Raichinov v. Bulgaria (dec.), no. 47579/99, 1 February 2005).
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