   EGMR, 02.10.2018 - 12030/16   

EGMR, 02.10.2018 - 12030/16 (,53145)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 02.10.2018 - 12030/16 (,53145)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 02. Oktober 2018 - 12030/16 (,53145)
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  • EGMR, 03.10.2006 - 543/03


    Auszug aus EGMR, 02.10.2018 - 12030/16
    In this regard the Court emphasises that the question of whether or not a period of detention is reasonable cannot be assessed in the abstract but must be assessed in each case according to its special features (see, mutatis mutandis, McKay v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 543/03, §§ 41-45, ECHR 2006-X) and that the arguments for and against release must not be "general and abstract" (see, for example, Khudoyorov v. Russia, no. 6847/02, § 173, ECHR 2005-X (extracts)), but contain references to the specific facts and the applicant's personal circumstances justifying his detention.
  • EGMR, 18.12.1986 - 9990/82


    Auszug aus EGMR, 02.10.2018 - 12030/16
    The Court considers that there is no evidence indicating any arbitrariness in respect of the applicant's detention or, more particularly, bad faith, deception or unjustified delays in respect of the authorities" conduct (see, conversely, Bozano v. France, 18 December 1986, § 60, Series A no. 111, and Conka v. Belgium, no. 51564/99, § 41, ECHR 2002-I).
  • EGMR, 08.11.2005 - 6847/02


    Auszug aus EGMR, 02.10.2018 - 12030/16
    In this regard the Court emphasises that the question of whether or not a period of detention is reasonable cannot be assessed in the abstract but must be assessed in each case according to its special features (see, mutatis mutandis, McKay v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 543/03, §§ 41-45, ECHR 2006-X) and that the arguments for and against release must not be "general and abstract" (see, for example, Khudoyorov v. Russia, no. 6847/02, § 173, ECHR 2005-X (extracts)), but contain references to the specific facts and the applicant's personal circumstances justifying his detention.
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