   EKMR, 08.01.1993 - 15997/90   

EKMR, 08.01.1993 - 15997/90 (,21327)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 08.01.1993 - 15997/90 (,21327)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 08. Januar 1993 - 15997/90 (,21327)
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  • EGMR, 28.06.1978 - 6232/73

    König ./. Deutschland

    Auszug aus EKMR, 08.01.1993 - 15997/90
    However, where such proceedings may only be instituted after a determination of the same dispute by an administrative authority the concept of "reasonable time" must be applied so as to include both the administrative and the court proceedings (cf. Eur. Court H.R., König judgment of 28 June 1978, Series A no. 27, p. 33, para. 98).
  • EGMR, 28.06.1984 - 7819/77


    Auszug aus EKMR, 08.01.1993 - 15997/90
    In determining whether a body can be considered to be an independent tribunal, i.e. independent in particular of the executive and of the parties to the case, regard must be had to the manner of appointment of its members and the duration of their term of office, the existence of regulations governing their removal or guarantee for their irremovability, laws prohibiting their being given instructions by the executive in their role as adjudicators, the existence of legal guarantees against outside pressures, the question whether the body presents an appearance of independence and the participation of members of the judiciary in the proceedings (cf. for example Eur. Court H.R., Campbell and Fell judgment of 28 June 1984, Series A no. 80, pp. 39-41, paras. 78-81 with further references).
  • EGMR, 01.10.1982 - 8692/79


    Auszug aus EKMR, 08.01.1993 - 15997/90
    1 (Art. 6-1) must be determined according to a subjective test, that is on the basis of the personal conviction of a particular judge in a given case, and also according to an objective test, that is ascertaining whether the judge offered guarantees sufficient to exclude any legitimate doubt in this respect (see, for example, Eur. Court H.R., Piersack judgment of 1 October 1982, Series A no. 53, p. 14, para. 30).
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