   EKMR, 17.01.1996 - 25708/94   

EKMR, 17.01.1996 - 25708/94 (,24417)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 17.01.1996 - 25708/94 (,24417)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 17. Januar 1996 - 25708/94 (,24417)
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  • EGMR, 24.03.1988 - 10465/83

    OLSSON v. SWEDEN (No. 1)

    Auszug aus EKMR, 17.01.1996 - 25708/94
    However, the phrase "in accordance with the law" does not merely refer back to domestic law, but also relates to the quality of the law, requiring it to be compatible with the rule of law (cf. Eur. Court H.R., Olsson judgment of 24 March 1988, Series A no. 130, p. 30, para. 61).
  • EGMR, 24.04.1990 - 11105/84


    Auszug aus EKMR, 17.01.1996 - 25708/94
    1 (Art. 8-1) of the Convention (cf. Eur. Court H.R., Huvig judgment of 24 April 1990, Series A no. 176-B, p. 52, para. 25).
  • EGMR, 22.09.1994 - 14861/89


    Auszug aus EKMR, 17.01.1996 - 25708/94
    1 and 3 (Art. 6-1+6-3) taken together, since the guarantees in paragraph 3 of Article 6 represent constituent elements of the general concept of a fair hearing set forth in paragraph 1 of this provision (cf. Eur. Court H.R., Lala judgment of 22 September 1994, Series A no. 297-A, p. 12, para. 26).
  • EKMR, 05.04.1994 - 21283/93


    Auszug aus EKMR, 17.01.1996 - 25708/94
    In particular, it is not competent to deal with an application alleging that errors of law or fact have been committed by the domestic courts, except where it considers that such errors might have involved a possible violation of any of the rights and freedoms set out in the Convention (cf. No. 21283/93, Dec. 5.4.94, D.R. 77 p. 81, at p. 88).
  • EKMR, 06.04.1994 - 21132/93


    Auszug aus EKMR, 17.01.1996 - 25708/94
    The Commission recalls that, in order to exhaust domestic remedies within the meaning of Article 26 (Art. 26) of the Convention, an applicant must have raised before the national courts, either in form or in substance, the complaints submitted to the Commission (cf. No. 11425/85, Dec. 5.10.87, D.R. 53 p. 76, and No. 21132/93, Dec. 6.4.94, D.R. 77 p. 75).
  • EKMR, 04.07.1984 - 10689/83

    ALTMANN (Barbie) c. FRANCE

    Auszug aus EKMR, 17.01.1996 - 25708/94
    The Commission recalls in this respect that, where the Convention refers to domestic law, it is primarily the task of the national authorities to apply and interpret domestic law, and that the Convention organs have a limited jurisdiction in controlling the manner in which this is done (cf. No. 10689/83, Dec, 14.5.84, D.R. 37 p. 225).
  • EKMR, 05.10.1987 - 11425/85

    SCHLUMPF contre la France

    Auszug aus EKMR, 17.01.1996 - 25708/94
    The Commission recalls that, in order to exhaust domestic remedies within the meaning of Article 26 (Art. 26) of the Convention, an applicant must have raised before the national courts, either in form or in substance, the complaints submitted to the Commission (cf. No. 11425/85, Dec. 5.10.87, D.R. 53 p. 76, and No. 21132/93, Dec. 6.4.94, D.R. 77 p. 75).
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