   EKMR, 17.02.1993 - 18420/91   

EKMR, 17.02.1993 - 18420/91 (,13214)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 17.02.1993 - 18420/91 (,13214)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 17. Februar 1993 - 18420/91 (,13214)
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  • EGMR, 15.07.1982 - 8130/78

    Eckle ./. Deutschland

    Auszug aus EKMR, 17.02.1993 - 18420/91
    Consequently, where domestic courts recognise expressly or in substance the alleged violation and, if necessary, afford redress, the individual is deprived of his status of victim for the purposes of applying under the Convention (see eg. Eur. Court H.R., Eckle judgment of 15 July 1982, Series A no. 51, p. 30, para. 66, and No. 10868/84, Dec. 21.1.87, D.R. 51 p. 62).
  • EGMR, 11.10.1988 - 10868/84


    Auszug aus EKMR, 17.02.1993 - 18420/91
    Consequently, where domestic courts recognise expressly or in substance the alleged violation and, if necessary, afford redress, the individual is deprived of his status of victim for the purposes of applying under the Convention (see eg. Eur. Court H.R., Eckle judgment of 15 July 1982, Series A no. 51, p. 30, para. 66, and No. 10868/84, Dec. 21.1.87, D.R. 51 p. 62).
  • EKMR, 03.12.1986 - 10888/84


    Auszug aus EKMR, 17.02.1993 - 18420/91
    The case-law of the Convention organs establishes that someone who has received adequate redress at domestic level for alleged violations of the Convention cannot claim to be a victim of those said violations (Nos. 7825/77, Dec. 2.5.78, D.R. 14 p. 197, and 10888/84, Dec. 3.12.86, D.R.50 p. 90).
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