   EGMR, 05.06.2018 - 889/15, 1199/15, 18449/15, 18520/15, 22724/15, 28561/15, 29928/15, 29946/15, 29949/15, 30368/15, 30371/15, 30376/15, 30383/15, 30386/15, 30390/15, 30393/15, 30395/15, 30397/15, 30435/15, 30488/15, 30489/15, 30493/15, 30496/15, 30501/15, 30509/15, 39435/15   

EGMR, 05.06.2018 - 889/15, 1199/15, 18449/15, 18520/15, 22724/15, 28561/15, 29928/15, 29946/15, 29949/15, 30368/15, 30371/15, 30376/15, 30383/15, 30386/15, 30390/15, 30393/15, 30395/15, 30397/15, 30435/15, 30488/15, 30489/15, 30493/15, 30496/15, 30501/15, 30509/15, 39435/15 (,20199)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 05.06.2018 - 889/15, 1199/15, 18449/15, 18520/15, 22724/15, 28561/15, 29928/15, 29946/15, 29949/15, 30368/15, 30371/15, 30376/15, 30383/15, 30386/15, 30390/15, 30393/15, 30395/15, 30397/15, 30435/15, 30488/15, 30489/15, 30493/15, 30496/15, 30501/15, 30509/15, 39435/15 (,20199)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 05. Juni 2018 - 889/15, 1199/15, 18449/15, 18520/15, 22724/15, 28561/15, 29928/15, 29946/15, 29949/15, 30368/15, 30371/15, 30376/15, 30383/15, 30386/15, 30390/15, 30393/15, 30395/15, 30397/15, 30435/15, 30488/15, 30489/15, 30493/15, 30496/15, 30501/15, 30509/15, 39435/15 (,20199)
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  • EGMR, 24.05.2011 - 33810/07


    Auszug aus EGMR, 05.06.2018 - 889/15
    The facts, as submitted by the parties, are similar to those in Association "21 December 1989" and Others v. Romania (nos. 33810/07 and 18817/08, § 12-41, 24 May 2011).

    The Court has already defined its jurisdiction ratione temporis in similar cases (see Association "21 December 1989" and Others v. Romania, nos. 33810/07 and 18817/08, §§ 114-118, 24 May 2011, and Mocanu and Others v. Romania [GC], nos. 10865/09 and 2 others, §§ 207-211, ECHR 2014 (extracts)), concluding that it was competent to examine complaints relating to the ineffectiveness of the criminal investigations into the events of December 1989 when the majority of the proceedings and the most important procedural measures were carried out after the Convention's entry into force in respect of Romania.

  • EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97


    Auszug aus EGMR, 05.06.2018 - 889/15
    This is not an obligation of result, but of means (see Kelly and Others v. the United Kingdom, no. 30054/96, § 96, 4 May 2001, and Anguelova v. Bulgaria, no. 38361/97, § 139, ECHR 2002-IV).
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