   EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97   

EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97 (,32412)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 13.06.2002 - 38361/97 (,32412)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 13. Juni 2002 - 38361/97 (,32412)
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Volltextveröffentlichungen (2)

  • Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte


    Art. 2, Art. 2 Abs. 1, Art. 3, Art. 5, Art. 5 Abs. 1, Art. 13, Art. 14, Art. 41 MRK
    Violation of Art. 2 in respect of death of applicant's son Violation of Art. 2 in respect of failure to provide timely medical care Violation of Art. 2 due to lack of effective investigation Violation of Art. 3 Violation of Art. 5 Violation of Art. 13 No violation ...

  • Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte


    Art. 2, Art. 2 Abs. 1, Art. 3, Art. 5, Art. 5 Abs. 1, Art. 13, Art. 14, Art. 41 MRK
    Violation de l'art. 2 quant au décès du fils de la requérante Violation de l'art. 2 quant au retard apporté à dispenser des soins médicaux Violation de l'art. 2 en raison de l'absence d'enquête effective Violation de l'art. 3 Violation de l'art. 5 Violation ...




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  • EGMR, 27.09.1995 - 18984/91


    Auszug aus EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97
    The object and purpose of the Convention as an instrument for the protection of individual human beings also requires that Article 2 be interpreted and applied so as to make its safeguards practical and effective (see McCann and Others v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 27 September 1995, Series A no. 324, pp. 45-46, §§ 146-47; Salman v. Turkey [GC], no. 21986/93, § 97, ECHR 2000-VII; and Velikova v. Bulgaria, no. 41488/98, ECHR 2000-VI).

    The Court has also, by an admirable process of judicial activism "created" the concept of a "procedural violation" of Article 2 [McCann and Others v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 27 September 1995, Series A no. 324], and, more recently, of Article 3 [Assenov and Others, cited above].

  • EGMR, 18.05.2000 - 41488/98


    Auszug aus EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97
    The object and purpose of the Convention as an instrument for the protection of individual human beings also requires that Article 2 be interpreted and applied so as to make its safeguards practical and effective (see McCann and Others v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 27 September 1995, Series A no. 324, pp. 45-46, §§ 146-47; Salman v. Turkey [GC], no. 21986/93, § 97, ECHR 2000-VII; and Velikova v. Bulgaria, no. 41488/98, ECHR 2000-VI).

    At the root of this injurious escape from reality lies the evidentiary rule which the Court has inflicted on itself: "The Court recalls... that the standard of proof required under the Convention is 'proof beyond reasonable doubt'." [Velikova v. Bulgaria, no. 41488/98, ECHR 2000-VI] The majority found that in the present case it had not been established "beyond reasonable doubt" that in the death of the 17-year-old Rom, Anguel Zabchekov that followed the devoted attentions of police officers, his ethnicity was "a determining factor" with those police officers who facilitated the young Rom's access to the fastest lane from Razgrad to eternity.

  • EGMR, 13.05.1980 - 6694/74


    Auszug aus EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97
    The Convention has to be applied by the Court in such a way as to guarantee "not rights that are theoretical or illusory, but rights that are practical and effective" [Artico v. Italy, judgment of 13 May 1980, Series A no. 37].
  • EGMR, 05.02.2002 - 51564/99

    Belgien, EMRK, Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, Abschiebunghaft, Freiheit

    Auszug aus EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97
    Reliance on inferences, legal presumptions and a shift in the onus of evidence also proved decisive in the recent Conka case, in which the Court, rather than requiring from the applicants proof beyond reasonable doubt that their expulsion was in pursuance of a collective expulsion policy, found a violation by starting from the opposite end of the syllogism: "The procedure followed [by the State authorities] did not enable it [the Court] to eliminate all doubt that the expulsion might have been collective" [Conka v. Belgium, no. 51564/99, ECHR 2002-I].
  • EGMR, 13.06.2000 - 23531/94


    Auszug aus EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97
    Thus also the Court, in a forward-looking decision, has held that the failure by the Government to submit information to which only it could have access, may give rise to inferences that the applicant's charges are well-founded [Timurtas v. Turkey, no. 23531/94, ECHR 2000-VI, and Tas v. Turkey, no. 24396/94, 14 November 2000].
  • EGMR, 10.05.2001 - 28945/95


    Auszug aus EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97
    Furthermore, in appropriate cases, compensation for the pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage flowing from the breach should in principle be available as part of the range of redress (see, as a recent authority, T.P. and K.M. v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 28945/95, § 107, ECHR 2001-V).
  • EGMR, 14.11.2000 - 24396/94


    Auszug aus EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97
    Thus also the Court, in a forward-looking decision, has held that the failure by the Government to submit information to which only it could have access, may give rise to inferences that the applicant's charges are well-founded [Timurtas v. Turkey, no. 23531/94, ECHR 2000-VI, and Tas v. Turkey, no. 24396/94, 14 November 2000].
  • EGMR, 28.07.1999 - 25803/94

    Zur "Einzelfallprüfung" und "geltungszeitlichen Interpretation" im Rahmen des

    Auszug aus EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97
    Consequently, where an individual is taken into police custody in good health but later dies, it is incumbent on the State to provide a plausible explanation of the events leading to his death (see, mutatis mutandis, Selmouni v. France [GC], no. 25803/94, § 87, ECHR 1999-V, and Salman and Velikova, cited above).
  • EGMR, 20.05.1999 - 21594/93

    Verursachung des Todes eines türkischen Staatsangehörigen durch türkische

    Auszug aus EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97
    For an investigation into alleged unlawful killing by State agents to be effective, it may generally be regarded as necessary for the persons responsible for and carrying out the investigation to be independent from those implicated in the events (see, for example, Güleç v. Turkey, judgment of 27 July 1998, Reports 1998-IV, p. 1733, §§ 81-82, and OÄŸur v. Turkey [GC], no. 21594/93, §§ 91-92, ECHR 1999-III).
  • EGMR, 27.06.2000 - 21986/93

    Verursachung des Todes eines Gefangenen in türkischer Haft - Umfang der

    Auszug aus EGMR, 13.06.2002 - 38361/97
    The object and purpose of the Convention as an instrument for the protection of individual human beings also requires that Article 2 be interpreted and applied so as to make its safeguards practical and effective (see McCann and Others v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 27 September 1995, Series A no. 324, pp. 45-46, §§ 146-47; Salman v. Turkey [GC], no. 21986/93, § 97, ECHR 2000-VII; and Velikova v. Bulgaria, no. 41488/98, ECHR 2000-VI).
  • EGMR, 08.07.1999 - 23657/94


  • EGMR, 27.06.2000 - 22277/93


  • EGMR, 28.03.2000 - 22535/93


  • EGMR, 04.05.2001 - 28883/95


  • EGMR, 08.07.1999 - 23763/94


  • EGMR, 14.12.2000 - 22676/93


  • EGMR, 13.11.2007 - 57325/00


    En 2002, 1e juge Bonello trouvait « particulièrement perturbant que la Cour, en cinquante ans et plus de travail judiciaire opiniâtre, n'ait pas encore trouvé à ce jour un seul exemple de violation du droit [garanti par l'article 2 ou par l'article 3] fondée sur la race (...)'(Anguelova c. Bulgarie, no 38361/97, CEDH 2002-IV, opinion dissidente).
  • EGMR, 09.06.2009 - 33401/02

    Opuz ./. Türkei

    En effet, dans certaines circonstances, lorsque les événements en cause, dans leur totalité ou pour une large part, sont connus exclusivement des autorités, la charge de la preuve pèse selon la Cour sur les autorités, qui doivent fournir une explication satisfaisante et convaincante (Salman c. Turquie [GC], no 21986/93, § 100, CEDH 2000-VII ; Anguelova c. Bulgarie, no 38361/97, § 111, CEDH 2002-IV).
  • EGMR, 20.12.2004 - 50385/99


    The essential purpose of such an investigation is to secure the effective implementation of the domestic laws safeguarding the right to life and, in those cases involving State agents or bodies, to ensure their accountability for deaths occurring under their responsibility (see Anguelova v. Bulgaria, no. 38361/97, § 137, ECHR 2002-IV).
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