   EKMR, 15.05.1996 - 28318/95   

EKMR, 15.05.1996 - 28318/95 (,18089)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 15.05.1996 - 28318/95 (,18089)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 15. Mai 1996 - 28318/95 (,18089)
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  • EKMR, 14.05.1986 - 11716/85

    S. v. the UNITED KINGDOM

    Auszug aus EKMR, 15.05.1996 - 28318/95
    As regards family life, the Commission recalls that, despite the modern evolution of attitudes towards homosexuality, a stable homosexual relationship between two men does not fall within the scope of the right to respect for family life ensured by Article 8 (Art. 8) of the Convention (No. 9369/81, Dec. 3.5.83, D.R. 32 p. 220; No. 11716/85, Dec. 14.5.86, D.R. 47 p. 274).

    As regards private life, the Commission has accepted that homosexual or lesbian relationships constitute matters affecting these persons' private lives (Appl. No. 9369/81, loc. cit.; No. 11716/85, loc. cit.).

    Furthermore, the Commission observed that the question of proportionality between the means employed and the aim pursued did not arise, as the complaint was that the legislation in question did not apply to the surviving partner of a homosexual couple, but gave a benefit to the claims of certain persons ("family") only (cf. No. 11716/85, loc. cit.).

  • EKMR, 03.05.1983 - 9369/81

    X. and Y. v. the UNITED KINGDOM

    Auszug aus EKMR, 15.05.1996 - 28318/95
    As regards family life, the Commission recalls that, despite the modern evolution of attitudes towards homosexuality, a stable homosexual relationship between two men does not fall within the scope of the right to respect for family life ensured by Article 8 (Art. 8) of the Convention (No. 9369/81, Dec. 3.5.83, D.R. 32 p. 220; No. 11716/85, Dec. 14.5.86, D.R. 47 p. 274).

    As regards private life, the Commission has accepted that homosexual or lesbian relationships constitute matters affecting these persons' private lives (Appl. No. 9369/81, loc. cit.; No. 11716/85, loc. cit.).

  • EGMR, 28.10.1987 - 8695/79

    Inze ./. Österreich

    Auszug aus EKMR, 15.05.1996 - 28318/95
    Although the application of Article 14 (Art. 14) does not presuppose a breach of one or more of such provisions - and to this extent it is autonomous -, there can be no room for its application unless the facts of the case fall within the ambit of one or more of the latter (cf. Eur. Court H.R., Inze judgment of 28 October 1987, Series A no. 126, p. 17, para. 36).
  • EGMR, 30.06.2016 - 51362/09


    Selon lui, dans les affaires S. c. Royaume-Uni (no 11716/85, décision de la Commission du 14 mai 1986, Décisions et rapports (DR) 47, p. 274) et Röösli c. Allemagne (no 28318/95, décision de la Commission du 15 mai 1996), la Commission avait indiqué que la défense de la famille était un but légitime pouvant justifier une différence de traitement et que des relations homosexuelles durables entre deux hommes ne relevaient pas du droit au respect de la vie familiale protégé par l'article 8 de la Convention.
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