   EGMR, 11.12.2006 - 5853/06   

EGMR, 11.12.2006 - 5853/06 (,54602)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 11.12.2006 - 5853/06 (,54602)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 11. Dezember 2006 - 5853/06 (,54602)
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  • EGMR, 12.12.2001 - 52207/99

    V. und B. B., Ž. S., M. S., D. J. und D. S. gegen Belgien, Dänemark,

    Auszug aus EGMR, 11.12.2006 - 5853/06
    En tout état de cause, la Cour voit dans les travaux préparatoires une confirmation non équivoque du sens ordinaire de l'article 1 de la Convention tel qu'elle l'a déjà identifié (voir, notamment, Bankovic et autres c. Belgique et autres (déc.) [GC], no 52207/99, §§ 59-65, CEDH 2001-XII, et Issa et autres c. Turquie, no 31821/96, §§ 65-71, 16 novembre 2004).
  • EGMR, 21.01.2021 - 38263/08


    The Court's case-law, when answering the question whether someone is under the jurisdiction of a State, adopts as a starting-point the very general criterion of "jurisdictional link" (see, in particular: Ben El Mahi and Others v. Denmark (dec.), no. 5853/06, § ECHR 2006-XV; Bankovic and Others v. Belgium and Others (dec.) [GC], no. 52207/99, § 82, ECHR 2001-XII; Mirzoyan v. Armenia, no. 57129/10, § 56, 23 May 2019; Markovic and Others v. Italy [GC], no. 1398/03, § 55, ECHR 2006-XIV; Al-Skeini and Others, cited above, §§ 149-50; and Güzelyurtlu and Others v. Cyprus and Turkey [GC], no. 36925/07, § 180, 29 January 2019).
  • EGMR, 30.06.2009 - 61498/08


    Although the "diplomatic exception" was predicated on the extra-territorial jurisdiction which a State was entitled to exercise over, for example, its embassies and consulates abroad, recognised both in customary international law and in treaty provisions, the "effective control over an area" and "State agent authority" exceptions did not depend on the lawfulness of a State's actions but instead on their context and their de facto effects (the applicants referred to statements in El Mahi and Others v. Denmark (dec), no. 5853/06, 11 December 2006; Issa and Others v. Turkey, no. 31821/96, §§ 69 and 71, 16 November 2004; Loizidou v. Turkey (Preliminary Objections) [GC], judgment of 23 March 1995, § 62, Series A no. 310; Ilascu and Others v. Moldova and Russia [GC], no. 48787/99, §§ 320-321, ECHR 2004-VII).
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