   EGMR, 14.01.2014 - 6015/12   

EGMR, 14.01.2014 - 6015/12 (,22993)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 14.01.2014 - 6015/12 (,22993)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 14. Januar 2014 - 6015/12 (,22993)
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  • EuGH, 01.03.2012 - C-354/10

    Kommission / Griechenland

    Auszug aus EGMR, 14.01.2014 - 6015/12
    The sum referred to above includes PLN 3, 294 (three thousand two hundred ninety-four Polish zlotys) which is to cover costs and expenses of the proceedings before the domestic courts and which are payable by me to the State Treasury on account of the judgments of the Koszalin District Court of 20 April 2011 (case no. I C 354/10) and the Koszalin Regional Court of 27 September 2011 (case no. VII Ca 680/11).

    The sum referred to above includes PLN 3, 294 (three thousand two hundred ninety-four Polish zlotys), which is to cover costs and expenses of the proceedings before the domestic courts and which are payable by the applicant to the State Treasury on account of the judgments of the Koszalin District Court of 20 April 2011 (case no. I C 354/10) and the Koszalin Regional Court of 27 September 2011 (case no. VII Ca 680/11).

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