   EGMR, 07.06.2018 - 510/07, 26046/08, 44255/08, 62255/09, 60180/11, 12179/12, 26534/12, 28441/12, 48413/12, 70750/12, 73769/12, 12537/13, 12719/13, 14792/13, 14985/13, 15778/13, 16071/13, 17528/13, 17540/13, 17723/13, 18411/13, 20829/13, 20951/13, 22036/13, 23117/13, 23739/1   

EGMR, 07.06.2018 - 510/07, 26046/08, 44255/08, 62255/09, 60180/11, 12179/12, 26534/12, 28441/12, 48413/12, 70750/12, 73769/12, 12537/13, 12719/13, 14792/13, 14985/13, 15778/13, 16071/13, 17528/13, 17540/13, 17723/13, 18411/13, 20829/13, 20951/13, 22036/13, 23117/13, 23739/1 (,26585)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 07.06.2018 - 510/07, 26046/08, 44255/08, 62255/09, 60180/11, 12179/12, 26534/12, 28441/12, 48413/12, 70750/12, 73769/12, 12537/13, 12719/13, 14792/13, 14985/13, 15778/13, 16071/13, 17528/13, 17540/13, 17723/13, 18411/13, 20829/13, 20951/13, 22036/13, 23117/13, 23739/1 (,26585)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 07. Juni 2018 - 510/07, 26046/08, 44255/08, 62255/09, 60180/11, 12179/12, 26534/12, 28441/12, 48413/12, 70750/12, 73769/12, 12537/13, 12719/13, 14792/13, 14985/13, 15778/13, 16071/13, 17528/13, 17540/13, 17723/13, 18411/13, 20829/13, 20951/13, 22036/13, 23117/13, 23739/1 (,26585)
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  • EGMR, 05.11.2019 - 15198/17


    The Court reiterates that an application may be rejected as abusive under Article 35 § 3 of the Convention if it was knowingly based on untrue facts (see, among other authorities, Gross v. Switzerland [GC], no. 67810/10, § 28, ECHR 2014, Akdivar and Others v. Turkey, 16 September 1996, §§ 53-54, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1996 IV, Keretchashvili v. Georgia (dec.), no. 5667/02, 2 May 2006, Preobrazovatel-Servis and Others v. Ukraine (dec.) [Committee], no. 510/07, § 41, 7 June 2018) or if incomplete and therefore misleading information was submitted to the Court (see Hüttner v. Germany (dec.), no. 23130/04 19 June 2006 and Bekauri v. Georgia (preliminary objection), no. 14012/02 §§ 21 and 24, 10 April 2012).
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