   EGMR, 14.09.2023 - 55930/21, 55941/21, 56300/21, 60870/21, 60911/21, 1017/22, 1019/22, 2815/22, 24447/22   

EGMR, 14.09.2023 - 55930/21, 55941/21, 56300/21, 60870/21, 60911/21, 1017/22, 1019/22, 2815/22, 24447/22 (,26479)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 14.09.2023 - 55930/21, 55941/21, 56300/21, 60870/21, 60911/21, 1017/22, 1019/22, 2815/22, 24447/22 (,26479)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 14. September 2023 - 55930/21, 55941/21, 56300/21, 60870/21, 60911/21, 1017/22, 1019/22, 2815/22, 24447/22 (,26479)
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  • KAG Mainz, 24.04.2008 - M 21/07

    Eingruppierung; Zustimmungsersetzung

    Auszug aus EGMR, 14.09.2023 - 55930/21
    The Government offered to pay 40% of the sums awarded by judgment no. 443/05 of the Rovigo District Court, R.G. 554/03, 21/07/2005 and that the applicant returned, provided that she gives proof of the restitution.

    The Government offered to pay 40% of the sums awarded by judgment no. 445/04 of the Rovigo District Court, R.G.C.L. 553/03, 21/07/2005 and that the applicant returned, provided that she gives proof of the restitution.

  • KAGH, 07.06.2013 - M 22/12

    Zustimmung der MAV beim Einsatz von Dienstleistungskräften (Anästhesieteam) - zum

    Auszug aus EGMR, 14.09.2023 - 55930/21
  • KAG Aachen, 07.02.2006 - 30/05
    Auszug aus EGMR, 14.09.2023 - 55930/21
    The Government offered to pay 40% of the sums awarded by judgment no. 164/2003 of the Treviso District Court, R.G. 817/02, 30/05/2003, if not already enforced.
  • VG der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Württemberg, 01.04.2005 - 16/04
    Auszug aus EGMR, 14.09.2023 - 55930/21
    The Government offered to pay 40% of the sums awarded by judgment no. 132/05 of the Vicenza District Court, R.G. 16/04, 10/05/2005, if not already enforced.
  • RG, 12.07.1905 - V 23/05


    Auszug aus EGMR, 14.09.2023 - 55930/21
    The Government offered to pay 40% of the sums awarded by judgment no. 374/05 of the Venice District Court, R.G. 347/04, 23/05/2005 and that the applicant returned, provided that he gives proof of the restitution.
  • KAG Aachen, 08.08.2006 - 15/06
    Auszug aus EGMR, 14.09.2023 - 55930/21
  • EGMR, 08.07.2008 - 554/03

    A.T. gegen Deutschland

    Auszug aus EGMR, 14.09.2023 - 55930/21
    The Government offered to pay 40% of the sums awarded by judgment no. 443/05 of the Rovigo District Court, R.G. 554/03, 21/07/2005 and that the applicant returned, provided that she gives proof of the restitution.
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