   EGMR - 55036/16   

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EGMR - 55036/16 (,96780)
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  • EGMR, 18.04.2013 - 67474/11


    Auszug aus EGMR - 55036/16
    Was the applicant's detention compatible with Article 5 § 1 (f) of the Convention? In particular, was it lawful in the sense of being free from arbitrariness and compatible with the requirement that it should be carried out in good faith and be closely connected to the grounds of detention invoked by the Government (see Saadi v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 13229/03, § 74, ECHR 2008; Azimov v. Russia, no. 67474/11, § 161, 18 April 2013; and Rustamov v. Russia, no. 11209/10, 3 July 2012, with further references)? Did the domestic courts verify the applicant's version of events, examined the operative K. and the video recording made by the applicant? Did they address the applicant's grounds of appeal?.
  • EGMR, 03.07.2012 - 11209/10


    Auszug aus EGMR - 55036/16
    Was the applicant's detention compatible with Article 5 § 1 (f) of the Convention? In particular, was it lawful in the sense of being free from arbitrariness and compatible with the requirement that it should be carried out in good faith and be closely connected to the grounds of detention invoked by the Government (see Saadi v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 13229/03, § 74, ECHR 2008; Azimov v. Russia, no. 67474/11, § 161, 18 April 2013; and Rustamov v. Russia, no. 11209/10, 3 July 2012, with further references)? Did the domestic courts verify the applicant's version of events, examined the operative K. and the video recording made by the applicant? Did they address the applicant's grounds of appeal?.
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