   EKMR, 14.01.1998 - 26999/95   

EKMR, 14.01.1998 - 26999/95 (,29231)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 14.01.1998 - 26999/95 (,29231)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 14. Januar 1998 - 26999/95 (,29231)
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  • EGMR, 15.06.1992 - 12433/86


    Auszug aus EKMR, 14.01.1998 - 26999/95
    The Commission recalls that the admissibility of evidence is primarily governed by the rules of domestic law, and as a general rule it is for the national courts to assess the evidence before them, whereas it is for the Convention organs to ascertain whether the proceedings considered as a whole, including the way in which the evidence was submitted, were fair (Eur. Court HR, Lüdi v. Switzerland judgment of 15 June 1992, Series A no. 238, p. 20, para. 43).
  • EGMR, 07.07.1989 - 10857/84


    Auszug aus EKMR, 14.01.1998 - 26999/95
    1 (Art. 6-1) obliges the courts to give reason for their judgments, it cannot be understood as requiring a detailed answer to every argument adduced (Eur. Court HR, Helle v. Finland judgment of 19 December 1997, para. 55, to be published in Reports 1997; No. 10938/84, Dec. 9.12.86, D.R. 50, p. 98 at p. 114; No. 10857/84, Dec. 15.7.86, D.R. 48, p. 106 at p. 150).
  • EKMR, 09.12.1986 - 10938/84

    KAUFMAN contre la BELGIQUE

    Auszug aus EKMR, 14.01.1998 - 26999/95
    1 (Art. 6-1) obliges the courts to give reason for their judgments, it cannot be understood as requiring a detailed answer to every argument adduced (Eur. Court HR, Helle v. Finland judgment of 19 December 1997, para. 55, to be published in Reports 1997; No. 10938/84, Dec. 9.12.86, D.R. 50, p. 98 at p. 114; No. 10857/84, Dec. 15.7.86, D.R. 48, p. 106 at p. 150).
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