   EuGöD, 15.12.2009 - F-8/09   

EuGöD, 15.12.2009 - F-8/09 (,40642)
EuGöD, Entscheidung vom 15.12.2009 - F-8/09 (,40642)
EuGöD, Entscheidung vom 15. Dezember 2009 - F-8/09 (,40642)
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  • EuG, 02.12.2010 - T-73/10

    Apostolov / Kommission

    APPEAL brought against the order of the European Union Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 15 December 2009 in Case F-8/09 Apostolov v Commission ECR-SC I-A-1-509 and II-A-1-2763, seeking, inter alia, to have that order set aside,.

    1 By his appeal brought pursuant to Article 9 of Annex I to the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the appellant, Mr Svetoslav Apostolov, asks the General Court, inter alia, to set aside the order of the European Union Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 15 December 2009 in Case F-8/09 Apostolov v Commission [2009] ECR-SC I-A-1-509 and II-A-1-2763 ('the contested order'), by which it dismissed as inadmissible, being out of time, the action seeking, inter alia, annulment of the decision contained in a letter of 21 October 2008 ('the contested decision'), by which the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) dismissed his complaint against the decision of EPSO of 25 April 2008 informing him that the marks which he had obtained in the competence test held in connection with the selection procedure EPSO/CAST27/4/7 were not sufficient for him to be included in the database of eligible candidates.

    2 By application lodged at the Civil Service Tribunal Registry on 9 July 2009, registered as F-8/09, Mr Apostolov sought, inter alia, annulment of the contested decision.

    9 However, the Tribunal gave a ruling on the legal aid application by order of 12 May 2009 in Case F-8/09 AJ Apostolov v Commission (not published in the ECR), by which the applicant was granted legal aid[.

  • EuGöD, 10.05.2011 - F-59/10

    Barthel u.a. / Gerichtshof

    En effet, s'agissant de l'argument tiré de l'erreur excusable, il doit ętre rappelé que la notion d'erreur excusable doit ętre interprétée de façon restrictive et ne vise que des circonstances exceptionnelles, notamment lorsque les institutions ont adopté un comportement de nature, ŕ lui seul ou dans une mesure déterminante, ŕ provoquer une confusion admissible dans l'esprit d'un justiciable de bonne foi et faisant preuve de toute la diligence requise d'un opérateur normalement averti (ordonnance du Tribunal du 15 décembre 2009, Apostolov/Commission, F-8/09, point 21, et la jurisprudence citée).
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