   EGMR, 05.09.2002 - 50490/99   

EGMR, 05.09.2002 - 50490/99 (,36890)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 05.09.2002 - 50490/99 (,36890)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 05. September 2002 - 50490/99 (,36890)
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Wird zitiert von ... (5)

  • EGMR, 04.12.2007 - 44362/04


    The Court considers, as did the Chamber, that no separate issue arises under Article 12 of the Convention and that it is not therefore necessary also to examine the applicants" complaint under this provision (see E.L.H. and P.B.H. v. the United Kingdom, cited above, and Boso v. Italy (dec.), no. 50490/99, ECHR 2002-VII).
  • EGMR, 10.01.2017 - 1955/10

    Ein Recht auf Scheidung? Pole scheitert mit Scheidungswunsch

    A contrario, Boso v. Italy (dec.), no. 50490/99, 5 September 2002, and E.L.H. and P.B.H. v. the United Kingdom, Commission decision of 22 October 1997, DR 91-A, p. 61.35.
  • EGMR, 14.12.2023 - 40119/21

    M.L. v. POLAND

    In that regard, they referred to the Court's case-law on the question of the beginning of life and protection of a foetus (see X. v. the United Kingdom, no. 8416/79, Commission decision of 13 May 1980, DR 19, p. 244; H. v. Norway no. 17004/90, Commission decision of 19 May 1992, DR 73, p. 155; Boso v. Italy, no. 50490/99, ECHR 2002-VII; Vo v. France [GC], no. 53924/00, ECHR 2004-VIII; and A, B and C v. Ireland, cited above, § 222).
  • EGMR, 18.04.2006 - 44362/04


    The Court recalls that an interference with family life which is justified under paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the Convention cannot at the same time constitute a violation of Article 12 (Boso v. Italy (dec.), no. 50490/99, ECHR 2002 VII).
  • EGMR, 26.10.2004 - 16471/02


    La Cour rappelle en tout état de cause sa jurisprudence constante selon laquelle dans ce domaine délicat, dans lequel les lois nationales diffèrent considérablement, et à supposer même que la Convention puisse être considérée comme ayant quelque influence à cet égard, les Etats contractants doivent jouir d'un certain pouvoir discrétionnaire (H. c. Norvège, no 17004/90, décision de la Commission du 19 mai 1992, Décisions et rapports 73, p. 155 ; Boso c. Italie (déc.), no 50490/99, CEDH 2002-VII).
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