   EGMR, 11.10.2016 - 53480/11   

EGMR, 11.10.2016 - 53480/11 (,60126)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 11.10.2016 - 53480/11 (,60126)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 11. Oktober 2016 - 53480/11 (,60126)
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  • EGMR, 17.01.2002 - 32967/96


    Auszug aus EGMR, 11.10.2016 - 53480/11
    The obligation may, for instance, also be satisfied if the legal system affords victims a remedy in the civil/administrative courts and/or disciplinary measures, either alone or in conjunction with a remedy in the criminal courts, enabling any liability of the doctors concerned to be established and any appropriate civil redress to be obtained (see, Calvelli and Ciglio v. Italy [GC], no. 32967/96, § 51, ECHR 2002-I, and Perez v. France [GC], no. 47287/99, § 70, ECHR 2004-I).
  • EGMR, 12.02.2004 - 47287/99


    Auszug aus EGMR, 11.10.2016 - 53480/11
    The obligation may, for instance, also be satisfied if the legal system affords victims a remedy in the civil/administrative courts and/or disciplinary measures, either alone or in conjunction with a remedy in the criminal courts, enabling any liability of the doctors concerned to be established and any appropriate civil redress to be obtained (see, Calvelli and Ciglio v. Italy [GC], no. 32967/96, § 51, ECHR 2002-I, and Perez v. France [GC], no. 47287/99, § 70, ECHR 2004-I).
  • EGMR, 04.05.2000 - 45305/99


    Auszug aus EGMR, 11.10.2016 - 53480/11
    The Court reiterates that the acts and omissions of the authorities in the field of health care policy may in certain circumstances engage their responsibility under the positive limb of Article 2. However, where a Contracting State has made adequate provision for securing high professional standards among health professionals and the protection of the lives of patients, it cannot accept that matters such as errors of judgment on the part of a health professional or negligent co-ordination among health professionals in the treatment of a particular patient are sufficient in themselves to call a Contracting State to account from the standpoint of its positive obligations under Article 2 of the Convention to protect life (see Powell v. United Kingdom (dec.), no. 45305/99, ECHR 2000-V, and Byrzykowski v. Poland, no. 11562/05, § 104, 27 June 2006).
  • EGMR, 21.05.2013 - 46156/11


    Auszug aus EGMR, 11.10.2016 - 53480/11
    Although, the Court's case-law does not exclude the provision of a criminal-law remedy in the context of medical negligence, the Court considers that, the appropriate legal remedy to be used by the applicants in the Turkish legal system would be to complain about medical negligence in the civil and/or administrative court proceedings (see, Karakoca v. Turkey (dec.), no. 46156/11, ECHR, 21 May 2013).
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