   EGMR, 29.09.2020 - 42912/05, 66710/09, 65591/14   

EGMR, 29.09.2020 - 42912/05, 66710/09, 65591/14 (,43107)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 29.09.2020 - 42912/05, 66710/09, 65591/14 (,43107)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 29. September 2020 - 42912/05, 66710/09, 65591/14 (,43107)
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  • EGMR, 29.04.2014 - 9584/02


    Auszug aus EGMR, 29.09.2020 - 42912/05
    The circumstances of the cases 3. The factual and legal circumstances set out in the current applications are similar to those pertaining to the applicants in the case of Strain and Others v. Romania (no. 57001/00, §§ 5-18, ECHR 2005-VII), to the applicants Ms and Mr Rodan in the case of Preda and Others v. Romania (nos. 9584/02 and 7 others, §§ 35-41, 29 April 2014) and to the applicants in the case of Ana Ionescu and Others v. Romania (19788/03, §§ 6-7, 26 February 2019).

    9584/02 and 7 others, § 75, 29 April 2014).

  • EGMR, 24.10.2017 - 10346/03


    Auszug aus EGMR, 29.09.2020 - 42912/05
    Relevant domestic law and practice 5. The relevant background domestic law and practice in relation to acknowledged unlawfully nationalised properties sold by the State to third parties have been summarised in the Court's judgments in the cases of Brumarescu v. Romania [GC] (no. 28342/95, §§ 34-35, ECHR 1999-VII); Strain and Others (cited above, §§ 19-23); Maria Atanasiu and Others v. Romania (nos. 30767/05 et 33800/06, §§ 44 et seq., 12 October 2010); Preda and Others (cited above, §§ 68-74); and Dickmann and Gion v. Romania (nos. 10346/03 and 10893/04, §§ 52-58, 24 October 2017).

    The Court has examined the present applications: in the light of all the materials in its possession, it concludes that the applicants have not shown that they had met the statutory conditions required in order to qualify for reparatory measures, in so far as the domestic courts have not confirmed in a final decision that they had title to the claimed property (see, by way of contrast, Dickmann and Gion v. Romania, nos. 10346/03 and 10893/04, § 93, 24 October 2017).

  • EGMR, 09.11.2010 - 42921/05


    Auszug aus EGMR, 29.09.2020 - 42912/05
    Locus standi 9. The heirs of the applicant Decebal Ovidiu Lazureanu (application no. 42921/05) informed the Court of the applicant's death and, as their close relatives, expressed the intention to pursue the application in his stead.

    Admissibility The complaint under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 10. The Government submitted that the applicants in the case no. 42921/05 could not claim to have a possession within the meaning of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention, their complaint being therefore incompatible rationae materiae.

  • EGMR, 08.03.2006 - 59532/00


    Auszug aus EGMR, 29.09.2020 - 42912/05
    However, an objection of incompatibility ratione materiae is an objection which goes to the Court's jurisdiction and the Court is obliged to examine whether it has jurisdiction at every stage of the proceedings (see, Tanase v. Moldova [GC], no. 7/08, § 131, ECHR 2010; see also, mutatis mutandis, Blecic v. Croatia [GC], no. 59532/00, § 67, ECHR 2006-III).
  • EGMR, 21.07.2005 - 57001/00


    Auszug aus EGMR, 29.09.2020 - 42912/05
    The circumstances of the cases 3. The factual and legal circumstances set out in the current applications are similar to those pertaining to the applicants in the case of Strain and Others v. Romania (no. 57001/00, §§ 5-18, ECHR 2005-VII), to the applicants Ms and Mr Rodan in the case of Preda and Others v. Romania (nos. 9584/02 and 7 others, §§ 35-41, 29 April 2014) and to the applicants in the case of Ana Ionescu and Others v. Romania (19788/03, §§ 6-7, 26 February 2019).
  • EGMR, 15.04.2012 - 29520/09


    Auszug aus EGMR, 29.09.2020 - 42912/05
    Having regard to the close family ties and the heirs" legitimate interest in pursuing the application, the Court accepts that the deceased applicant's heirs may pursue the application in his stead (see Janowiec and Others v. Russia [GC], nos. 55508/07 and 29520/09, § 101, ECHR 2013; and Preda and Others v. Romania, nos.
  • EGMR, 12.10.2010 - 30767/05


    Auszug aus EGMR, 29.09.2020 - 42912/05
    Relevant domestic law and practice 5. The relevant background domestic law and practice in relation to acknowledged unlawfully nationalised properties sold by the State to third parties have been summarised in the Court's judgments in the cases of Brumarescu v. Romania [GC] (no. 28342/95, §§ 34-35, ECHR 1999-VII); Strain and Others (cited above, §§ 19-23); Maria Atanasiu and Others v. Romania (nos. 30767/05 et 33800/06, §§ 44 et seq., 12 October 2010); Preda and Others (cited above, §§ 68-74); and Dickmann and Gion v. Romania (nos. 10346/03 and 10893/04, §§ 52-58, 24 October 2017).
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