   EGMR - 13278/20   

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EGMR - 13278/20 (,132479)
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  • Generalanwalt beim EuGH, 15.04.2021 - C-487/19

    Generalanwalt Tanchev: Zwei neu geschaffene Kammern des polnischen Obersten

    Auszug aus EGMR - 13278/20
    Opinions of Advocate General Tanchev in cases C-487/19 (W.Z.) and C-508/19 (M.F.) delivered on 15 April 2021 39. On 15 April 2021 the CJEU's Advocate General Evgeni Tanchev delivered two opinions in cases C-487/19 and C-508/19.

    Both cases originated in a request for preliminary ruling lodged by panels of the "old" chambers of the Supreme Court, in the course of proceedings concerning the determination of status of two judges from the newly created chambers of that court: one from the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs (A.S. - C-487/19) and one from the Disciplinary Chamber (J.M. - C-508/19).

    In the opinion delivered in case no. C-508/19, the Advocate General stated that the appointment of judge J.M. by the President, despite the fact that appeal proceedings against the NCJ resolution were pending, resulted in a potentially flagrant breach of fundamental norms of national law.

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