   EGMR - 26067/08, 52152/08, 60648/08, 2397/11, 14244/11, 78187/11, 55692/12, 18403/13, 7101/15, 29786/15, 19667/16, 36833/16   

Anhängiges Verfahren
EGMR - 26067/08, 52152/08, 60648/08, 2397/11, 14244/11, 78187/11, 55692/12, 18403/13, 7101/15, 29786/15, 19667/16, 36833/16 (,80683)
EGMR - 26067/08, Entscheidung vom 52152/08, 60648/08, 2397/11, 14244/11, 78187/11, 55692/12, 18403/13, 7101/15, 29786/15, 19667/16, 36833/16 (,80683)
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  • EGMR, 18.07.2006 - 28867/03


    Auszug aus EGMR - 26067/08
    Did the applicants have at their disposal an effective domestic remedy for their complaints under Article 8 of the Convention, as required by Article 13 of the Convention? In particular, did the national law require the national courts to examine the issues of "proportionality" and "necessity in a democratic society" in respect of the searches of lawyers" premises (see Smith and Grady v. the United Kingdom, nos. 33985/96 and 33986/96, §§ 135-39, ECHR 1999-VI; Peck v. the United Kingdom, no. 44647/98, §§ 105-07, ECHR 2003-I; and Keegan v. the United Kingdom, no. 28867/03, §§ 40-43, ECHR 2006-X)? Did the national courts assess the "proportionality" and "necessity in a democratic society" of the searches in the present cases?.
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