   EGMR, 08.07.2010 - 1248/09   

EGMR, 08.07.2010 - 1248/09 (,64632)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 08.07.2010 - 1248/09 (,64632)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 08. Juli 2010 - 1248/09 (,64632)
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  • Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte


    Art. 3, Art. 5, Art. 5 Abs. 1, Art. 5 Abs. 4, Art. 13, Art. 13+3 MRK
    Violation of Art. 3 (in case of extradition to Uzbekistan) Violation of Art. 5-1 Violation of Art. 5-4 Violation of Art. 13+3 (englisch)




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  • EGMR, 11.01.2007 - 1948/04

    Somalia, Abschiebungshindernis, zielstaatsbezogene Abschiebungshindernisse,

    Auszug aus EGMR, 08.07.2010 - 1248/09
    Given the irreversible nature of the harm that might occur if the alleged risk of torture or ill-treatment materialised and the importance which the Court attaches to Article 3, the notion of an effective remedy under Article 13 requires (i) independent and rigorous scrutiny of a claim that there are substantial grounds for believing that there was a real risk of treatment contrary to Article 3 in the event of the applicant's expulsion to the country of destination, and (ii) the provision of an effective possibility of suspending the enforcement of measures whose effects are potentially irreversible (or "a remedy with automatic suspensive effect" as it is phrased in Gebremedhin [Gaberamadhien] v. France, no. 25389/05, § 66 in fine, ECHR 2007-V, which concerned an asylum seeker wishing to enter the territory of France; see also Jabari v. Turkey, no. 40035/98, § 50, ECHR 2000-VIII; Shamayev and Others, cited above, § 460; Olaechea Cahuas v. Spain, no. 24668/03, § 35, ECHR 2006-X; and Salah Sheekh v. the Netherlands, no. 1948/04, § 154, ECHR 2007-I (extracts).
  • EGMR, 02.03.1987 - 9787/82


    Auszug aus EGMR, 08.07.2010 - 1248/09
    By virtue of Article 5 § 4 he was entitled to apply to a "court" having jurisdiction to decide "speedily" whether or not his deprivation of liberty had become "unlawful" in the light of new factors which emerged subsequently to the decision on their initial placement in custody (see, mutadis mutandis, Weeks v. the United Kingdom, 2 March 1987, §§ 55-59, Series A no. 114).
  • EGMR, 10.08.2006 - 24668/03


    Auszug aus EGMR, 08.07.2010 - 1248/09
    Given the irreversible nature of the harm that might occur if the alleged risk of torture or ill-treatment materialised and the importance which the Court attaches to Article 3, the notion of an effective remedy under Article 13 requires (i) independent and rigorous scrutiny of a claim that there are substantial grounds for believing that there was a real risk of treatment contrary to Article 3 in the event of the applicant's expulsion to the country of destination, and (ii) the provision of an effective possibility of suspending the enforcement of measures whose effects are potentially irreversible (or "a remedy with automatic suspensive effect" as it is phrased in Gebremedhin [Gaberamadhien] v. France, no. 25389/05, § 66 in fine, ECHR 2007-V, which concerned an asylum seeker wishing to enter the territory of France; see also Jabari v. Turkey, no. 40035/98, § 50, ECHR 2000-VIII; Shamayev and Others, cited above, § 460; Olaechea Cahuas v. Spain, no. 24668/03, § 35, ECHR 2006-X; and Salah Sheekh v. the Netherlands, no. 1948/04, § 154, ECHR 2007-I (extracts).
  • LSG Berlin-Brandenburg, 11.12.2014 - L 37 SF 129/14

    Überlanges Gerichtsverfahren - Entschädigungsklage - Altfall - Verzögerungsrüge -

    Der Beklagte wird verurteilt, an den Kläger wegen überlanger Dauer des vor dem Sozialgericht Berlin zuletzt unter dem Aktenzeichen S 76 KR 1248/09 geführten Verfahrens eine Entschädigung in Höhe von 200, 00 ? zu zahlen.

    Der Kläger begehrt eine Entschädigung wegen überlanger Dauer des vor dem Sozialgericht Berlin zuletzt unter dem Aktenzeichen S 76 KR 1248/09 geführten Verfahrens.

    Die Sache wurde nunmehr unter dem Aktenzeichen S 36 KR 1248/09 geführt, wovon die Beteiligten mit Schreiben vom 24. August 2009 informiert wurden.

    Im Folgenden ging das Verfahren auf die 76. Kammer über und wurde nunmehr unter dem Aktenzeichen S 76 KR 1248/09 geführt.

    den Beklagten zu verurteilen, ihm wegen überlanger Dauer des vor dem Sozialgericht Berlin zuletzt unter dem Aktenzeichen S 76 KR 1248/09 geführten Verfahrens eine angemessene Entschädigung, die nicht unter 3.600,00 ? liegen sollte, zu zahlen.

  • VG Aachen, 07.11.2011 - 4 K 186/11

    Voraussetzungen für die Rechtmäßigkeit eines Hundesteuer-Heranziehungsbescheids

    Urteil vom 26. November 2009 - 1248/09 - Folgendes ausgeführt:.
  • EGMR, 26.02.2015 - 66373/13


    It has also been the Court's established position that the diplomatic assurances are likewise incapable, on their own, to prevent the risk of ill-treatment from materialising and that the national authorities need to treat with caution the assurances against torture given by a State where torture is endemic or persistent (see Yuldashev v. Russia, no. 1248/09, § 85, 8 July 2010, with further references).
  • EGMR, 03.03.2011 - 66317/09


    However, the applicants in those cases had been charged with political crimes (see Ismoilov and Others v. Russia, no. 2947/06, § 122, 24 April 2008; Muminov v. Russia, no. 42502/06, § 94, 11 December 2008; and Yuldashev v. Russia, no. 1248/09, § 84, 8 July 2010) and thus were members of a group systematically exposed to a practice of ill-treatment (see Saadi v. Italy [GC], no. 37201/06, § 132, ECHR 2008-...) as confirmed by reports by reliable independent international sources.
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