   EGMR, 03.06.2008 - 45653/99   

EGMR, 03.06.2008 - 45653/99 (,53241)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 03.06.2008 - 45653/99 (,53241)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 03. Juni 2008 - 45653/99 (,53241)
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  • EGMR, 12.12.2001 - 52207/99

    V. und B. B., Ž. S., M. S., D. J. und D. S. gegen Belgien, Dänemark,

    Auszug aus EGMR, 03.06.2008 - 45653/99
    Relying on the principles laid down by the Court in the decision in Bankovic and Others v. Belgium and 16 Other Contracting States ([GC], no. 52207/99, ECHR 2001-XII), the Government disputed Turkey's liability under the Convention for the violations alleged in the application.
  • EGMR, 08.07.2004 - 48787/99


    Auszug aus EGMR, 03.06.2008 - 45653/99
    The exercise of jurisdiction is a necessary condition for a Contracting State to be able to be held responsible for acts or omissions imputable to it which give rise to an allegation of the infringement of rights and freedoms set forth in the Convention (see Ilascu and Others v. Moldova and Russia, [GC], no. 48787/99, § 311, ECHR 2004-VII).
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