   EGMR, 06.02.2018 - 40607/12   

EGMR, 06.02.2018 - 40607/12 (,14907)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 06.02.2018 - 40607/12 (,14907)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 06. Februar 2018 - 40607/12 (,14907)
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  • EGMR, 29.06.2007 - 15809/02

    Recht auf ein faires Verfahren und Selbstbelastungsfreiheit (Kriterien für eine

    Auszug aus EGMR, 06.02.2018 - 40607/12
    Furthermore the Court found in O'Halloran and Francis v. the United Kingdom [GC] (nos. 15809/02 and 25624/02, §§ 55-63, ECHR 2007-VIII) and, subsequently, in Lückhof and Spanner v. Austria (nos. 58452/00 and 61920/00, §§ 52-59, 10 January 2008), that the obligation for the registered keeper of the vehicle to disclose, on pain of a fine, who had been driving at the time when a traffic offence was committed did not violate the right to remain silent and the privilege against self-incrimination.
  • EGMR, 29.06.2007 - 25624/02
    Auszug aus EGMR, 06.02.2018 - 40607/12
    Furthermore the Court found in O'Halloran and Francis v. the United Kingdom [GC] (nos. 15809/02 and 25624/02, §§ 55-63, ECHR 2007-VIII) and, subsequently, in Lückhof and Spanner v. Austria (nos. 58452/00 and 61920/00, §§ 52-59, 10 January 2008), that the obligation for the registered keeper of the vehicle to disclose, on pain of a fine, who had been driving at the time when a traffic offence was committed did not violate the right to remain silent and the privilege against self-incrimination.
  • EGMR, 10.01.2008 - 61920/00
    Auszug aus EGMR, 06.02.2018 - 40607/12
    Furthermore the Court found in O'Halloran and Francis v. the United Kingdom [GC] (nos. 15809/02 and 25624/02, §§ 55-63, ECHR 2007-VIII) and, subsequently, in Lückhof and Spanner v. Austria (nos. 58452/00 and 61920/00, §§ 52-59, 10 January 2008), that the obligation for the registered keeper of the vehicle to disclose, on pain of a fine, who had been driving at the time when a traffic offence was committed did not violate the right to remain silent and the privilege against self-incrimination.
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