   EGMR, 28.03.2024 - 19724/15, 20507/17, 35922/17, 61798/17, 3408/18, 7191/20, 44834/20, 48757/20, 50927/20, 50981/20, 54569/20, 55726/20   

EGMR, 28.03.2024 - 19724/15, 20507/17, 35922/17, 61798/17, 3408/18, 7191/20, 44834/20, 48757/20, 50927/20, 50981/20, 54569/20, 55726/20 (,5942)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 28.03.2024 - 19724/15, 20507/17, 35922/17, 61798/17, 3408/18, 7191/20, 44834/20, 48757/20, 50927/20, 50981/20, 54569/20, 55726/20 (,5942)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 28. März 2024 - 19724/15, 20507/17, 35922/17, 61798/17, 3408/18, 7191/20, 44834/20, 48757/20, 50927/20, 50981/20, 54569/20, 55726/20 (,5942)
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Wird zitiert von ... (0)Neu Zitiert selbst (27)

  • KAGH, 05.07.2013 - K 24/12
    Auszug aus EGMR, 28.03.2024 - 19724/15
    24/12/2019 to.

    overcrowding (save for the periods between 24/12/2019-01/01/2020 and 09/06/2020-04/09/2020), lack of or poor quality of bedding and bed linen, no or restricted access to warm water, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, poor quality of food, mouldy or dirty cell, inadequate temperature.

    24/12/2019 to.

    overcrowding (save for the periods between 14/04/2011-21/04/2011, 24/12/2019-24/01/2022, and 02/03/2022-22/06/2022), no or restricted access to warm water, lack of or poor quality of bedding and bed linen, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, mouldy or dirty cell, poor quality of food.

    24/12/2019 to.

    24/12/2019 to.

    24/12/2019 to.

    overcrowding (save for the periods between 24/12/2019-07/12/2020, 28/06/2021-19/08/2021 and from 21/07/2022 onwards), lack of fresh air, lack of or insufficient natural light, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack or inadequate furniture.

  • EGMR, 11.06.2009 - 19/05


    Auszug aus EGMR, 28.03.2024 - 19724/15
    overcrowding (save for the periods between 16/03/2020-17/03/2020 and 15/05/2020-19/05/2020), lack of or poor quality of bedding and bed linen, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, poor quality of food, inadequate temperature.


    The applicant allegedly continued having been detained in poor conditions also during the periods from 19/08/2021 to 19/05/2022, that is the period which is not the subject of the present application.

  • BFH, 27.01.2004 - IV S 16/03


    Auszug aus EGMR, 28.03.2024 - 19724/15

    overcrowding (save for the periods between 16/03/2020-17/03/2020 and 15/05/2020-19/05/2020), lack of or poor quality of bedding and bed linen, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, poor quality of food, inadequate temperature.

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