   EGMR, 27.02.2014 - 5699/11   

EGMR, 27.02.2014 - 5699/11 (,2752)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 27.02.2014 - 5699/11 (,2752)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 27. Februar 2014 - 5699/11 (,2752)
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  • Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte


    Art. 6, Art. 6+6 Abs. 3 Buchst. d, Art. 6 Abs. 1, Art. 6 Abs. 3 Buchst. d MRK
    Violation of Article 6+6-3-d - Right to a fair trial (Article 6 - Criminal proceedings Article 6-1 - Fair hearing) (Article 6 - Right to a fair trial Article 6-3-d - Examination of witnesses) (englisch)

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  • EGMR, 15.12.2011 - 26766/05

    Recht auf Konfrontation und Befragung von Zeugen (Recht auf ein faires Verfahren:

    Auszug aus EGMR, 27.02.2014 - 5699/11
    For this reason, the Court considers it appropriate to examine the complaints under the two provisions taken together (see Al-Khawaja and Tahery v. the United Kingdom [GC], nos. 26766/05 and 22228/06, § 118, ECHR 2011, and Aigner v. Austria, no. 28328/03, § 33, 10 May 2012).
  • EGMR, 06.12.1988 - 10588/83


    Auszug aus EGMR, 27.02.2014 - 5699/11
    However, the domestic authorities must take positive steps to enable the accused to examine or have examined witnesses against him (see Barberà, Messegué and Jabardo v. Spain, 6 December 1988, § 78, Series A no. 146); which means that they should actively search for the witnesses (see Rachdad v. France, no. 71846/01, § 24, 13 November 2003).
  • EGMR, 27.02.2001 - 33354/96

    Recht auf Konfrontation und Befragung von Mitangeklagten als Zeugen im Sinne der

    Auszug aus EGMR, 27.02.2014 - 5699/11
    Exceptions to this principle are possible but must not infringe the rights of the defence, which, as a rule, require that the accused should be given an adequate and proper opportunity to challenge and question a witness against him, either when that witness makes his statement or at a later stage of the proceedings (see Van Mechelen and Others v. the Netherlands, 23 April 1997, § 51, Reports 1997-III, and Lucà v. Italy, no. 33354/96, § 39, ECHR 2001-II).
  • EGMR, 02.07.2002 - 34209/96

    S.N. v. SWEDEN

    Auszug aus EGMR, 27.02.2014 - 5699/11
    It accepts that in such cases certain measures may be taken for the purpose of protecting the victim, provided that they can be reconciled with an adequate and effective exercise of the rights of the defence (see, amongst many others, S.N. v. Sweden, no. 34209/96, § 47, ECHR 2002-V, Zdravko Petrov v. Bulgaria, no. 20024/04, § 35, 23 June 2011).
  • EGMR, 10.05.2012 - 28328/03


    Auszug aus EGMR, 27.02.2014 - 5699/11
    For this reason, the Court considers it appropriate to examine the complaints under the two provisions taken together (see Al-Khawaja and Tahery v. the United Kingdom [GC], nos. 26766/05 and 22228/06, § 118, ECHR 2011, and Aigner v. Austria, no. 28328/03, § 33, 10 May 2012).
  • EGMR, 21.11.2002 - 36747/02

    ARSLAN contre la TURQUIE

    Auszug aus EGMR, 27.02.2014 - 5699/11
    The date of introduction was accordingly considered to be the date on which the first letter was written by the applicant or, where there was an undue delay between this date and the date on which the letter was posted, the Court could have decided that the date of posting should be considered to be the date of introduction (see Arslan v. Turkey (dec.), no. 36747/02, ECHR 2002-X; Calleja v. Malta (dec.), no. 75274/01, 18 March 2004; Gaspari v. Slovenia, no. 21055/03, § 35, 21 July 2009; and Andrushko v. Russia, no. 4260/04, § 32, 14 October 2010).
  • EGMR, 14.10.2010 - 4260/04


    Auszug aus EGMR, 27.02.2014 - 5699/11
    The date of introduction was accordingly considered to be the date on which the first letter was written by the applicant or, where there was an undue delay between this date and the date on which the letter was posted, the Court could have decided that the date of posting should be considered to be the date of introduction (see Arslan v. Turkey (dec.), no. 36747/02, ECHR 2002-X; Calleja v. Malta (dec.), no. 75274/01, 18 March 2004; Gaspari v. Slovenia, no. 21055/03, § 35, 21 July 2009; and Andrushko v. Russia, no. 4260/04, § 32, 14 October 2010).
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