   EGMR - 20140/21, 37509/21, 40129/21, 43252/21, 45565/21, 54269/21, 1438/22, 16587/22, 38018/22, 38113/22, 42451/22, 51318/22, 51324/22, 51338/22   

Anhängiges Verfahren
EGMR - 20140/21, 37509/21, 40129/21, 43252/21, 45565/21, 54269/21, 1438/22, 16587/22, 38018/22, 38113/22, 42451/22, 51318/22, 51324/22, 51338/22 (,151105)
EGMR - 20140/21, Entscheidung vom 37509/21, 40129/21, 43252/21, 45565/21, 54269/21, 1438/22, 16587/22, 38018/22, 38113/22, 42451/22, 51318/22, 51324/22, 51338/22 (,151105)
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Wird zitiert von ... (0)Neu Zitiert selbst (18)

  • OLG Bremen, 20.06.2003 - 1 W 23/03

    Recht des allein sorgeberechtigten Elternteils zur Änderung des Namens des Kindes

    Auszug aus EGMR - 20140/21

    6 (1) - lack of impartiality of the tribunal in view of the absence of a prosecuting party in administrative-offence proceedings - both sets of administrative offence proceedings (final judgments of 24/03/2021 and 24/11/2021),.

    6 (1) - and Art. 6 (3) (d) - unfair trial in view of restrictions on the right to examine witnesses - inability to cross-examine in open court police officers on whose written statements the applicant's conviction was based (both sets of administrative offence proceedings, final judgments of 24/03/2021 and 24/11/2021) and prosecution witness R. (the first set of proceedings, final judgment of 24/03/2021),.

  • BPatG, 17.11.2011 - 3 ZA (pat) 54/11

    Patentnichtigkeitsklageverfahren - mehrere Gerichtsgebühren bei nachträglicher

    Auszug aus EGMR - 20140/21

    5(1) - unlawful detention - arrest, escorting to a police station, detention on 15/09/2018 for the sole purpose of drawing up a record of administrative offence,.

    5 (5) - lack of, or inadequate, compensation for unlawful arrest or detention - by the final judgment of 08/09/2021 the Supreme Court of Russia rejected the applicant's claim for compensation for unlawful arrest and escorting to a police station on 15/09/2018 for the sole purpose of drawing up a record of administrative offence.

  • EGMR, 05.07.2018 - 24/11


    Auszug aus EGMR - 20140/21
    6 (1) - lack of impartiality of the tribunal in view of the absence of a prosecuting party in administrative-offence proceedings - both sets of administrative offence proceedings (final judgments of 24/03/2021 and 24/11/2021),.

    6 (1) - and Art. 6 (3) (d) - unfair trial in view of restrictions on the right to examine witnesses - inability to cross-examine in open court police officers on whose written statements the applicant's conviction was based (both sets of administrative offence proceedings, final judgments of 24/03/2021 and 24/11/2021) and prosecution witness R. (the first set of proceedings, final judgment of 24/03/2021),.

    10 (1) - conviction for making calls to participate in public events - arrest, conviction under article 20.2-2 of the CAO, fine of RUB 10, 000 for publishing on 06/09/2021 a call for participation in a Left Front rally (scheduled for 12/09/2021) to a vKontakte page, final judgment of 24/11/2021 by the Chelyabinsk Regional Court (see Elvira Dmitriyeva v. Russia, nos. 60921/17 and 7202/18, §§ 77-90, 30 April 2019).

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