   EuG, 21.01.2010 - T-309/08   

EuG, 21.01.2010 - T-309/08 (,30311)
EuG, Entscheidung vom 21.01.2010 - T-309/08 (,30311)
EuG, Entscheidung vom 21. Januar 2010 - T-309/08 (,30311)
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Volltextveröffentlichungen (4)

Sonstiges (3)

  • Europäischer Gerichtshof (Verfahrensmitteilung)

    Klage, eingereicht am 4. August 2008 - G-Star Raw Denim / HABM - ESGW Holdings (G Stor)

  • Europäischer Gerichtshof (Verfahrensdokumentation)

    Gemeinschaftsmarke - Klage der Inhaberin der nationalen Wort- und Bildmarken sowie der Gemeinschaftswort- und -bildmarken "G-STAR", "G-Star" und "G-STAR RAW DENIM" für Waren der Klassen 9, 25 und 35 auf Aufhebung der Entscheidung R 1232/2007-1 der Ersten Beschwerdekammer ...

  • EU-Kommission (Verfahrensmitteilung)




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Wird zitiert von ... (4)Neu Zitiert selbst (10)

  • EuGH, 06.10.2005 - C-120/04

    Medion - Marken - Richtlinie 89/104/EWG - Artikel 5 Absatz 1 Buchstabe b -

    Auszug aus EuG, 21.01.2010 - T-309/08
    It relies, in that regard, on the judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-120/04 Medion [2005] ECR I-8551, in which the applicant states it was held that if a widely-known trade mark is included in a more recent composite sign, it is more likely that the element which is similar to the widely-known trademark will play the dominant role in the global assessment.
  • EuGH, 23.10.2003 - C-408/01


    Auszug aus EuG, 21.01.2010 - T-309/08
    The existence of such a link must, like the likelihood of confusion within the meaning of Article 8(1)(b) of the Directive, be assessed globally, taking into account all factors relevant to the circumstances of the case (VIPS, paragraph 23 above, paragraph 47; see also, by analogy, Case C-408/01 Adidas-Salomon and Adidas Benelux [2003] ECR I-12537, paragraphs 29 and 30).
  • EuG, 22.06.2004 - T-185/02

    Ruiz-Picasso u.a. / OHMI - DaimlerChrysler (PICARO)

    Auszug aus EuG, 21.01.2010 - T-309/08
    According to settled case-law, where the meaning of at least one of the two signs at issue is clear and specific so that it can be grasped immediately by the relevant public, the conceptual differences observed between those signs may counteract the visual and aural similarities between them (Case C-361/04 P Ruiz-Picasso and Others v OHIM [2006] ECR I-643, paragraph 20; Case T-292/01 Philips-Van Heusen v OHIM - Pash Textilvertrieb und Einzelhandel (BASS) [2003] ECR II-4335, paragraph 54; and Case T-185/02 Ruiz-Picasso and Others v OHIM - DaimlerChrysler (PICARO) [2004] ECR II-1739, paragraph 56).
  • EuG, 14.10.2003 - T-292/01

    Phillips-Van Heusen / OHMI - Pash Textilvertrieb und Einzelhandel (BASS)

    Auszug aus EuG, 21.01.2010 - T-309/08
    According to settled case-law, where the meaning of at least one of the two signs at issue is clear and specific so that it can be grasped immediately by the relevant public, the conceptual differences observed between those signs may counteract the visual and aural similarities between them (Case C-361/04 P Ruiz-Picasso and Others v OHIM [2006] ECR I-643, paragraph 20; Case T-292/01 Philips-Van Heusen v OHIM - Pash Textilvertrieb und Einzelhandel (BASS) [2003] ECR II-4335, paragraph 54; and Case T-185/02 Ruiz-Picasso and Others v OHIM - DaimlerChrysler (PICARO) [2004] ECR II-1739, paragraph 56).
  • EuG, 22.03.2007 - T-215/03

    Sigla / OHMI - Elleni Holding (VIPS) - Gemeinschaftsmarke - Widerspruchsverfahren

    Auszug aus EuG, 21.01.2010 - T-309/08
    As those conditions are cumulative, failure to satisfy one of them is sufficient to render that provision inapplicable (Case T-215/03 Sigla v OHIM - Elleni Holdings (VIPS) [2007] ECR II-711, paragraphs 34 and 35; Case T-150/04 Mülhens v OHIM - Minoronzoni (TOSCA BLU) [2007] ECR II-2353, paragraphs 54 and 55; and judgment of 30 January 2008 in Case T-128/06 Japan Tobacco v OHIM - Torrefacção Camelo (CAMELO), not published in the ECR, paragraph 45).
  • EuG, 11.07.2007 - T-150/04

    Mülhens / OHMI - Minoronzoni (TOSCA BLU) - Gemeinschaftsmarke -

    Auszug aus EuG, 21.01.2010 - T-309/08
    As those conditions are cumulative, failure to satisfy one of them is sufficient to render that provision inapplicable (Case T-215/03 Sigla v OHIM - Elleni Holdings (VIPS) [2007] ECR II-711, paragraphs 34 and 35; Case T-150/04 Mülhens v OHIM - Minoronzoni (TOSCA BLU) [2007] ECR II-2353, paragraphs 54 and 55; and judgment of 30 January 2008 in Case T-128/06 Japan Tobacco v OHIM - Torrefacção Camelo (CAMELO), not published in the ECR, paragraph 45).
  • EuG, 16.04.2008 - T-181/05

    Citigroup und Citibank / OHMI - Citi (CITI) - Gemeinschaftsmarke -

    Auszug aus EuG, 21.01.2010 - T-309/08
    Therefore, that global assessment must, with respect to the visual, aural or conceptual similarity of the signs at issue, be based on the overall impression given by those signs, bearing in mind, in particular, their distinctive and dominant components (judgment of 16 May 2007 in Case T-137/05 La Perla v OHIM - Worldgem Brands (NIMEI LA PERLA MODERN CLASSIC), not published in the ECR, paragraph 35, and Case T-181/05 Citigroup and Citibank v OHIM - Citi (CITI) [2008] ECR II-669, paragraph 65).
  • EuG, 28.06.2005 - T-301/03

    Canali Ireland / OHMI - Canal Jean (CANAL JEAN CO. NEW YORK) - Gemeinschaftsmarke

    Auszug aus EuG, 21.01.2010 - T-309/08
    In that context, it must be pointed out that the degree of aural similarity of two marks is of less importance in the case of goods which are marketed in such a way that, when making a purchase, the relevant public generally perceives visually the mark designating those goods (BASS, paragraph 34 above, paragraph 55, and Case T-301/03 Canali Ireland v OHIM - Canal Jean (CANAL JEAN CO. NEW YORK) [2005] ECR II-2479, paragraph 55).
  • EuG, 30.01.2008 - T-128/06

    Japan Tobacco / OHMI - Torrefacção Camelo (CAMELO)

    Auszug aus EuG, 21.01.2010 - T-309/08
    As those conditions are cumulative, failure to satisfy one of them is sufficient to render that provision inapplicable (Case T-215/03 Sigla v OHIM - Elleni Holdings (VIPS) [2007] ECR II-711, paragraphs 34 and 35; Case T-150/04 Mülhens v OHIM - Minoronzoni (TOSCA BLU) [2007] ECR II-2353, paragraphs 54 and 55; and judgment of 30 January 2008 in Case T-128/06 Japan Tobacco v OHIM - Torrefacção Camelo (CAMELO), not published in the ECR, paragraph 45).
  • EuG, 16.05.2007 - T-137/05

    La Perla / OHMI - Worldgem Brands (NIMEI LA PERLA MODERN CLASSIC)

    Auszug aus EuG, 21.01.2010 - T-309/08
    Therefore, that global assessment must, with respect to the visual, aural or conceptual similarity of the signs at issue, be based on the overall impression given by those signs, bearing in mind, in particular, their distinctive and dominant components (judgment of 16 May 2007 in Case T-137/05 La Perla v OHIM - Worldgem Brands (NIMEI LA PERLA MODERN CLASSIC), not published in the ECR, paragraph 35, and Case T-181/05 Citigroup and Citibank v OHIM - Citi (CITI) [2008] ECR II-669, paragraph 65).
  • EuG, 01.12.2021 - T-359/20

    Team Beverage/ EUIPO - Zurich Deutscher Herold Lebensversicherung (Team Beverage)

    Hierzu ist festzustellen, dass dieser Begriff in seiner oben genannten Bedeutung zum Grundwortschatz der englischen Sprache gehört und dass ein großer Teil der Verbraucher in der Union über Kenntnisse des englischen Grundwortschatzes verfügt (vgl. in diesem Sinne Urteile vom 21. Januar 2010, G-Star Raw Denim/HABM - ESGW [G Stor], T-309/08, nicht veröffentlicht, EU:T:2010:22, Rn. 32, vom 11. Mai 2010, Wessang/HABM - Greinwald [star foods], T-492/08, nicht veröffentlicht, EU:T:2010:186, Rn. 52, und vom 5. Februar 2016, Kicktipp/HABM - Italiana Calzature [kicktipp], T-135/14, EU:T:2016:69, Rn. 118 [nicht veröffentlicht]).
  • EuG, 15.02.2017 - T-568/15

    Morgese u.a. / EUIPO - All Star (2 STAR)

    Il a également jugé que le mot anglais « star " sera perçu comme une référence à un astre ou à une personne célèbre [arrêt du 21 janvier 2010, G-Star Raw Denim/OHMI - ESGW (G Stor), T-309/08, non publié, EU:T:2010:22, point 32].
  • EuG, 16.02.2017 - T-71/15

    Jaguar Land Rover / EUIPO - Nissan Jidosha (Land Glider)

    En deuxième lieu, il convient de relever qu'il ressort de la jurisprudence que des termes faisant partie du vocabulaire élémentaire de la langue anglaise, tels que, par exemple, les termes anglais « star ", « snack " et « food ", sont largement connus par les consommateurs dans l'ensemble de l'Union [voir, en ce sens, arrêts du 21 janvier 2010, G-Star Raw Denim/OHMI - ESGW (G Stor), T-309/08, non publié, EU:T:2010:22, point 32, et du 11 mai 2010, Wessang/OHMI - Greinwald (star foods), T-492/08, non publié, EU:T:2010:186, point 52].
  • EuG, 07.07.2015 - T-521/13

    Alpinestars Research / OHMI - Tung Cho und Wang Yu (A ASTER)

    Ainsi, le Tribunal a jugé que le terme anglais « star " était généralement compris, par une grande partie du public pertinent, comme un terme laudatif qui met l'accent sur la qualité des produits [voir, en ce sens, arrêt du 10 septembre 2014, DTM Ricambi/OHMI - STAR (STAR), T-199/13, EU:T:2014:761, point 61], ou comme une référence à un astre ou à une personne célèbre [arrêt du 21 janvier 2010, G-Star Raw Denim/OHMI - ESGW (G Stor), T-309/08, EU:T:2010:22, point 32].
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