   EGMR, 25.01.2001 - 28460/95   

EGMR, 25.01.2001 - 28460/95 (,47960)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 25.01.2001 - 28460/95 (,47960)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 25. Januar 2001 - 28460/95 (,47960)
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  • EGMR, 09.10.1979 - 6289/73


    Auszug aus EGMR, 25.01.2001 - 28460/95
    Thus, in the case of Airey v. Ireland (judgment of 9 October 1979, Series A no. 32, pp. 14-16, § 26) the Court held that an indigent wife should have been provided with legal representation so as to enable her to bring proceedings in the Irish High Court for an order of judicial separation.
  • EGMR, 24.02.1995 - 16424/90


    Auszug aus EGMR, 25.01.2001 - 28460/95
    It recalls that the mutual enjoyment by parent and child of each other's company constitutes a fundamental element of family life and that domestic measures hindering such enjoyment amount to an interference with the right protected by Article 8 (see, amongst others, the McMichael v. the United Kingdom judgment of 24 February 1995, Series A no. 307-B, p. 55, § 86).
  • EGMR, 26.02.2004 - 74969/01

    Görgülü ./. Deutschland: Verweigerung des Sorgerechts und Umgangsrechts mit dem

    Außerdem ist es generell Sache der innerstaatlichen Gerichte, das ihnen vorliegende Beweismaterial zu würdigen und zu entscheiden, ob die von den Beklagten angebotenen Beweise entscheidungserheblich sind (siehe Urteil Vidal ./. Belgien vom 22. April 1992, Serie A Band 235-B, S. 32, Nr. 33, Elshoz, a.a.O., Nr. 66, M.C. ./. Finnland (Entscheidung), Individualbeschwerde Nr. 28460/95, 25. Januar 2001).
  • EGMR, 20.09.2016 - 28181/11


    In cases relating to civil status, what is at stake for the applicant is also a relevant consideration and special diligence is required in view of the possible consequences which excessively lengthy proceedings may have, notably on enjoyment of the right to respect for family life (see, among other authorities, Laino v. Italy [GC], no. 33158/96, § 18, ECHR 1999-I; Maciariello v. Italy, 27 February 1992, § 18, Series A no. 230-A; and M.C. v. Finland (dec.), no. 28460/95, 25 January 2001).
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