Weitere Entscheidungen unten: EGMR, 02.12.2011 | EKMR, 22.05.1998

   EGMR, 03.04.2001 - 27229/95   

EGMR, 03.04.2001 - 27229/95 (https://dejure.org/2001,25093)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 03.04.2001 - 27229/95 (https://dejure.org/2001,25093)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 03. April 2001 - 27229/95 (https://dejure.org/2001,25093)
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Volltextveröffentlichungen (3)





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Wird zitiert von ... (72)Neu Zitiert selbst (8)

  • EGMR, 26.10.2000 - 30210/96

    Das Recht auf Verfahrensbeschleunigung gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 EMRK in

    Auszug aus EGMR, 03.04.2001 - 27229/95
    In that connection, I find a comparison with Kudla v. Poland ([GC], no. 30210/96, ECHR 2000-XI), in which the Court did not find a violation of Article 3, very illuminating.

    The State must ensure that a person is detained in conditions which are compatible with respect for his human dignity, that the manner and method of the execution of the measure do not subject him to distress or hardship of an intensity exceeding the unavoidable level of suffering inherent in detention and that, given the practical demands of imprisonment, his health and well-being are adequately secured by, among other things, providing him with the requisite medical assistance (see Kudla v. Poland [GC], no. 30210/96, §§ 94 et seq., ECHR 2000-XI).

  • EGMR, 04.05.2000 - 42117/98


    Auszug aus EGMR, 03.04.2001 - 27229/95
    The decisive point is whether there were physical or mental indications which rendered or should have rendered the prison authorities aware that there was a risk of any acute or severe suffering as a result of the measure (see Bollan v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 42117/98, ECHR 2000-V).
  • EGMR, 25.03.1983 - 5947/72


    Auszug aus EGMR, 03.04.2001 - 27229/95
    The Court had also found that the right to petition the Home Secretary was an effective remedy in Silver and Others v. the United Kingdom (judgment of 25 March 1983, Series A no. 61, p. 43, § 116).
  • EGMR, 24.09.1992 - 10533/83


    Auszug aus EGMR, 03.04.2001 - 27229/95
    She referred to the Court's case-law which emphasised the position of inferiority and powerlessness of mental patients (see, for example, Herczegfalvy v. Austria, judgment of 24 September 1992, Series A no. 244, pp. 25-26, § 82).
  • EGMR, 27.06.2000 - 21986/93

    Verursachung des Todes eines Gefangenen in türkischer Haft - Umfang der

    Auszug aus EGMR, 03.04.2001 - 27229/95
    It is incumbent on the State to account for any injuries suffered in custody, which obligation is particularly stringent where that individual dies (see, for example, Salman v. Turkey [GC], no. 21986/93, § 99, ECHR 2000-VII).
  • EGMR, 28.01.1994 - 17549/90


    Auszug aus EGMR, 03.04.2001 - 27229/95
    It is relevant in the context of the present application to recall also that the authorities are under an obligation to protect the health of persons deprived of liberty (see Hurtado v. Switzerland, judgment of 28 January 1994, Series A no. 280-A, opinion of the Commission, pp. 15-16, § 79).
  • EGMR, 04.12.1995 - 18896/91


    Auszug aus EGMR, 03.04.2001 - 27229/95
    For example, in respect of a person deprived of his liberty, recourse to physical force which has not been made strictly necessary by his own conduct diminishes human dignity and is in principle an infringement of the right set forth in Article 3 (see Ribitsch v. Austria, judgment of 4 December 1995, Series A no. 336, p. 26, § 38, and Tekin, cited above, pp. 1517-18, § 53).
  • EGMR, 27.04.1988 - 9659/82


    Auszug aus EGMR, 03.04.2001 - 27229/95
    The applicant's complaints in this regard are therefore "arguable" for the purposes of Article 13 in connection with both Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention (see Boyle and Rice v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 27 April 1988, Series A no. 131, p. 23, § 52; Kaya, cited above, pp. 330-31, § 107; and Yasa v. Turkey, judgment of 2 September 1998, Reports 1998-VI, p. 2442, § 113).
  • BVerfG, 24.07.2018 - 2 BvR 309/15

    Fixierung in psychiatrischer Unterbringung: Richtervorbehalt erforderlich?

    Erniedrigend ist eine Behandlung, die dem Betroffenen in einer demütigenden oder entwürdigenden Weise das Gefühl von Angst, Schmerz oder Minderwertigkeit vermittelt, das über das mit rechtmäßiger Bestrafung unvermeidliche Maß hinausgeht, wobei eine Demütigungsabsicht mit zu berücksichtigen ist (vgl. EGMR , Labita v. Italy, Urteil vom 6. April 2000, Nr. 26772/95, § 120; EGMR , Kudla v. Poland, Urteil vom 26. Oktober 2000, Nr. 30210/96, § 92; EGMR, Keenan v. The United Kingdom, Urteil vom 3. April 2001, Nr. 27229/95, § 110; EGMR, Price v. The United Kingdom, Urteil vom 10. Juli 2001, Nr. 33394/96, § 24; EGMR, Mouisel v. France, Urteil vom 14. November 2002, Nr. 67263/01, § 37).

    Die menschliche Würde ist nach der Rechtsprechung des Gerichtshofs beeinträchtigt, wenn die Person, der die Freiheit entzogen ist, körperlicher Gewalt ausgesetzt wird, deren Anwendung nicht durch ihr eigenes Verhalten notwendig geworden ist (vgl. EGMR , Labita v. Italy, Urteil vom 6. April 2000, Nr. 26772/95, § 120; EGMR, Keenan v. The United Kingdom, Urteil vom 3. April 2001, Nr. 27229/95, § 113; EGMR, Bures v. The Czech Republic, Urteil vom 18. Oktober 2012, Nr. 37679/08, § 86).

  • EGMR, 27.05.2008 - 26565/05

    N. ./. Vereinigtes Königreich

    The suffering which flows from naturally occurring illness, physical or mental, may be covered by Article 3, where it is, or risks being, exacerbated by treatment, whether flowing from conditions of detention, expulsion or other measures, for which the authorities can be held responsible (Pretty v. the United Kingdom, 2346/02, § 52, ECHR 2002-III; Kudla v. Poland [GC], no. 30210/96, § 94, ECHR 2000-XI; Keenan v. the United Kingdom, no. 27229/95, § 116, ECHR 2001- III; Price v. the United Kingdom, no. 33394/96, § 30, ECHR 2001-VII).
  • EGMR, 28.09.2015 - 23380/09


    Furthermore, the Court had specified that where the absence of such strict necessity had been established, there was no need to assess the severity of the suffering caused in order to find a violation of Article 3 (it referred to Keenan v. the United Kingdom, no. 27229/95, § 113, ECHR 2001-III); where such necessity had been established, all the decisive factors were taken into account, including the duration of the treatment, its physical and/or mental effects and, in some cases, the sex, age and state of health of the victim, as well as his or her particular vulnerability; and detained persons were vulnerable because they were under the absolute control of the police or prison staff.
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   EGMR, 02.12.2011 - 27229/95, 57067/00, 35574/97, 12350/04, 29392/95, 33218/96, 38719/97   

EGMR, 02.12.2011 - 27229/95, 57067/00, 35574/97, 12350/04, 29392/95, 33218/96, 38719/97 (https://dejure.org/2011,89691)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 02.12.2011 - 27229/95, 57067/00, 35574/97, 12350/04, 29392/95, 33218/96, 38719/97 (https://dejure.org/2011,89691)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 02. Dezember 2011 - 27229/95, 57067/00, 35574/97, 12350/04, 29392/95, 33218/96, 38719/97 (https://dejure.org/2011,89691)
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Volltextveröffentlichungen (2)

  • Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte


    Informations fournies par le gouvernement concernant les mesures prises permettant d'éviter de nouvelles violations. Versement des sommes prévues dans l'arrêt (französisch)

  • Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte


    Information given by the government concerning measures taken to prevent new violations. Payment of the sums provided for in the judgment (englisch)




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Wird zitiert von ... (172)

  • EGMR, 19.02.2009 - 3455/05

    A. u. a. ./. Vereinigtes Königreich

    Although Article 3 cannot be construed as laying down a general obligation to release detainees on health grounds, it nonetheless imposes an obligation on the State to protect the physical and mental well-being of persons deprived of their liberty, for example by providing them with the requisite medical assistance (see Hurtado v. Switzerland, judgment of 28 January 1994, § 79 opinion of the Commission, Series A no. 280-A; Mouisel v. France, no. 67263/01, § 40, ECHR 2002-IX; Aerts v. Belgium, judgment of 30 July 1998, § 66, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1998-V; Keenan v. the United Kingdom, no. 27229/95, § 111, ECHR 2001-III).

    It is fundamental to the machinery of protection established by the Convention that the national systems themselves provide redress for breaches of its provisions, with the Court exercising a supervisory role subject to the principle of subsidiarity (Z. and Others v. the United Kingdom, no. 29392/95, § 103, ECHR 2001-V).

  • EGMR, 13.12.2012 - 39630/09

    El Masri klagt gegen Mazedonien

    Combinée avec l'article 3, 1'obligation que l'article 1 de la Convention impose aux Hautes Parties contractantes de garantir à toute personne relevant de leur juridiction les droits et libertés consacrés par la Convention leur commande de prendre des mesures propres à empêcher que lesdites personnes ne soient soumises à des tortures ou à des traitements inhumains ou dégradants, même administrés par des particuliers (Z et autres c. Royaume-Uni [GC], no 29392/95, § 73, CEDH 2001-V).
  • EGMR, 14.09.2010 - 2668/07


    Pour qu'il y ait obligation positive, il doit être établi que les autorités savaient ou auraient dû savoir sur le moment qu'un individu donné était menacé de manière réelle et immédiate dans sa vie du fait des actes criminels d'un tiers et qu'elles n'ont pas pris, dans le cadre de leurs pouvoirs, les mesures qui, d'un point de vue raisonnable, auraient sans doute pallié ce risque (Keenan c. Royaume-Uni, no 27229/95, §§ 89-90, CEDH 2001-III, Opuz, précité, § 129, et Gongadzé c. Ukraine, no 34056/02, § 165, CEDH 2005-XI).

    La Cour rappelle que cette disposition exige que l'ordre interne offre un recours effectif habilitant l'instance nationale à connaître du contenu d'un grief défendable fondé sur la Convention (Z et autres c. Royaume-Uni [GC], no 29392/95, § 108, CEDH 2001-V).

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   EKMR, 22.05.1998 - 27229/95   

EKMR, 22.05.1998 - 27229/95 (https://dejure.org/1998,26310)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 22.05.1998 - 27229/95 (https://dejure.org/1998,26310)
EKMR, Entscheidung vom 22. Mai 1998 - 27229/95 (https://dejure.org/1998,26310)
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Volltextveröffentlichungen (2)


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