   EGMR, 17.04.2012 - 9548/07   

EGMR, 17.04.2012 - 9548/07 (,16273)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 17.04.2012 - 9548/07 (,16273)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 17. April 2012 - 9548/07 (,16273)
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  • EGMR, 04.12.2003 - 39272/98

    M.C. c. BULGARIE

    Auszug aus EGMR, 17.04.2012 - 9548/07
    In cases of serious ill-treatment, the State's positive obligations under Article 3 entail enacting criminal-law provisions and applying them in practice through effective investigation and prosecution (see, in this connection, Nikolay Dimitrov v. Bulgaria, no. 72663/01, §§ 66-68, 27 September 2007 and M.C. v. Bulgaria, no. 39272/98, §§ 150-153, ECHR 2003-XII).
  • EGMR, 25.03.1993 - 13134/87

    Zur "Einzelfallprüfung" und "geltungszeitlichen Interpretation" im Rahmen des

    Auszug aus EGMR, 17.04.2012 - 9548/07
    Factors such as the nature and context of the treatment, the manner and method of its execution, its duration, its physical and mental effects and, in some instances, the sex, age and state of health of the victim must all be taken into account (see, among other authorities, Costello-Roberts v. the United Kingdom, 25 March 1993, § 30, Series A no. 247-C).
  • EGMR, 31.05.2007 - 40116/02


    Auszug aus EGMR, 17.04.2012 - 9548/07
    The Court notes at the outset that while the Convention does not guarantee as such a right to have criminal proceedings against third persons or to have such persons convicted, the obligation of the High Contracting Parties under Article 1 of the Convention to secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the rights and freedoms defined in the Convention, taken together with Article 3, requires States to take measures designed to ensure that individuals within their jurisdiction are not subjected to ill-treatment, including ill-treatment administered by private individuals (see, among other authorities, Secic v. Croatia, no. 40116/02, § 52, 31 May 2007).
  • EGMR, 27.09.2007 - 72663/01


    Auszug aus EGMR, 17.04.2012 - 9548/07
    In cases of serious ill-treatment, the State's positive obligations under Article 3 entail enacting criminal-law provisions and applying them in practice through effective investigation and prosecution (see, in this connection, Nikolay Dimitrov v. Bulgaria, no. 72663/01, §§ 66-68, 27 September 2007 and M.C. v. Bulgaria, no. 39272/98, §§ 150-153, ECHR 2003-XII).
  • EGMR, 10.12.2013 - 50115/06


    L'applicabilité de l'article 3 de la Convention, notamment quant au fait que le seuil minimum de gravité requis par cet article ait été atteint en l'espèce, est sujette à caution (voir Tonchev c. Bulgarie, no 18527/02, §§ 38-42, 19 novembre 2009 ; et Ilieva et Georgieva c. Bulgaria (déc.), no 9548/07, §§ 27-30, 17 avril 2012).
  • EGMR, 11.01.2022 - 40620/14


    Cependant, la privation alléguée de liberté n'a duré qu'une dizaine de minutes et le requérant n'a pas prouvé l'existence d'effets psychologiques sévères ou de longue durée (comparer avec Tonchev c. Bulgarie, no 18527/02, §§ 39-40, 19 novembre 2009, et Ilieva et Georgieva c. Bulgarie (déc.), no 9548/07, §§ 29-30, 17 avril 2012).
  • EGMR, 15.12.2015 - 38435/13


    Similarly, the Court found that wilful but not very serious injuries such as two small wounds, swelling, two bruises, a welt across the buttocks, and abrasions on both knees, inflicted during a brawl which broke out in the context of an ongoing family dispute in which the applicants also apparently actively participated did not give rise to an arguable claim of ill-treatment contrary to Article 3, capable of triggering the State's positive obligations (see Ilieva and Georgieva v. Bulgaria (dec.), no. 9548/07, § 30, 17 April 2012).
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