   EGMR, 28.06.2005 - 74328/01   

EGMR, 28.06.2005 - 74328/01 (,54019)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 28.06.2005 - 74328/01 (,54019)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 28. Juni 2005 - 74328/01 (,54019)
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  • Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte


    Art. 6, Art. 6 Abs. 1, Art. 29, Art. 29 Abs. 3, Art. 35, Art. 35 Abs. 1, Art. 41 MRK
    Violation de l'art. 6-1 Dommage matériel - demande rejetée Préjudice moral - constat de violation suffisant Remboursement frais et dépens - procédure nationale Remboursement frais et dépens - procédure de la Convention (französisch)



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  • EGMR, 12.11.2002 - 46129/99


    Auszug aus EGMR, 28.06.2005 - 74328/01
    Par ailleurs, le «droit à un tribunal», dont le droit d'accès constitue un aspect, n'est pas absolu et se prête à des limitations implicitement admises, notamment en ce qui concerne les conditions de recevabilité d'un recours, car il appelle de par sa nature même une réglementation par l'Etat, lequel jouit à cet égard d'une certaine marge d'appréciation (voir, entre autres, Garcia Manibardo c. Espagne, no 38695/97, § 36, CEDH 2000-II, et Zvolský et Zvolská c. République tchèque, no 46129/99, § 47, CEDH 2002-IX).
  • EGMR, 15.12.2015 - 12019/08


    That may, for example, be the case when the domestic courts" interpretation and application of the domestic rules amount to excessive formalism (see, for example, Société Anonyme Sotiris and Nikos Koutras Attee v. Greece, no. 39442/98, §§ 19-23, ECHR 2000-XII; Bulena v. the Czech Republic, no. 57567/00, §§ 28-35, 20 April 2004; Kadlec and Others v. the Czech Republic, no. 49478/99, §§ 27-30, 25 May 2004; Saez Maeso v. Spain, no. 77837/01, §§ 25-31, 9 November 2004; Zedník v. the Czech Republic, no. 74328/01, §§ 30-34, 28 June 2005; Liakopoulou v. Greece, no. 20627/04, §§ 20-25, 24 May 2006; Efstathiou and Others v. Greece, no. 36998/02, §§ 28-35, 27 July 2006; Perlala v. Greece, no. 17721/04, §§ 27-31, 22 February 2007; and Reklos and Davourlis v. Greece, no. 1234/05, §§ 23-28, 15 January 2009), when the time-limit does not give the applicant a real possibility of challenging the contested decision (see, for example, Labergere v. France, no. 16846/02, §§ 18-25, 26 September 2006, and Mercieca and Others v. Malta, no. 21974/07, §§ 48-51, 14 June 2011), or when the time-limit starts to run at a point in time when the applicant has no real possibility of knowing and challenging the decision (see, for example, Tsironis v. Greece, no. 44584/98, §§ 27-31, 6 December 2001; Gruais and Bousquet v. France, no. 67881/01, §§ 28-30, 10 January 2006; Díaz Ochoa v. Spain, no. 423/03, §§ 46-51, 22 June 2006; Davran v. Turkey, no. 18342/03, §§ 40-47, 3 November 2009; and Viard v. France, no. 71658/10, §§ 31-39, 9 January 2014).
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