   EGMR, 16.04.2013 - 43531/08   

EGMR, 16.04.2013 - 43531/08 (,6801)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 16.04.2013 - 43531/08 (,6801)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 16. April 2013 - 43531/08 (,6801)
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  • EGMR, 03.06.2004 - 33097/96


    Auszug aus EGMR, 16.04.2013 - 43531/08
    In addition, a prompt response by the authorities in investigating allegations of ill-treatment is essential in maintaining public confidence in their maintenance of the rule of law and in preventing any appearance of collusion in or tolerance of unlawful acts (see Batı and Others v. Turkey, nos. 33097/96 and 57834/00, § 136, ECHR 2004-IV (extracts), and Giuliani and Gaggio v. Italy [GC], no. 23458/02, § 305, ECHR 2011 (extracts)).
  • EGMR, 05.10.2000 - 57834/00

    KABLAN contre la TURQUIE

    Auszug aus EGMR, 16.04.2013 - 43531/08
    In addition, a prompt response by the authorities in investigating allegations of ill-treatment is essential in maintaining public confidence in their maintenance of the rule of law and in preventing any appearance of collusion in or tolerance of unlawful acts (see Batı and Others v. Turkey, nos. 33097/96 and 57834/00, § 136, ECHR 2004-IV (extracts), and Giuliani and Gaggio v. Italy [GC], no. 23458/02, § 305, ECHR 2011 (extracts)).
  • EGMR, 17.09.2014 - 10865/09


    In this regard, it has held that applicants" delay in lodging a complaint is not decisive where the authorities ought to have been aware that an individual could have been subjected to ill-treatment - particularly in the case of assault which occurs in the presence of police officers - as the authorities" duty to investigate arises even in the absence of an express complaint (see Velev v. Bulgaria, no. 43531/08, §§ 59-60, 16 April 2013).
  • EGMR, 16.04.2015 - 36552/05


    Même lorsqu'une plainte proprement dite n'est pas formulée, il y a lieu d'ouvrir une enquête s'il existe des indications suffisamment précises donnant à penser qu'on se trouve en présence de cas de torture ou de mauvais traitements (Membres de la Congrégation des témoins de Jéhovah de Gldani et autres c. Géorgie, no 71156/01, § 97, 3 mai 2007, Velev c. Bulgarie, no 43531/08, § 60, 16 avril 2013, ainsi que El-Masri, précité, § 186 in fine).
  • EGMR, 15.10.2019 - 52673/07


    Un retard mis par un requérant à porter plainte n'est pas décisif dès lors que les autorités auraient dû être averties qu'une personne pouvait avoir subi des mauvais traitements, le devoir d'enquête mis à la charge des autorités leur incombant même en l'absence de plainte formelle (voir Shanin c. Russie, no 24460/04, § 65, 27 janvier 2011, et Velev c. Bulgarie, no 43531/08, §§ 59-60, 16 avril 2013).
  • EGMR, 15.05.2018 - 37869/08


    À cet égard, elle a jugé que le retard mis par des requérants à porter plainte n'est pas décisif dès lors que les autorités auraient dû être averties qu'une personne pouvait avoir subi des mauvais traitements - notamment dans le cas d'une agression perpétrée en présence de policiers -, le devoir d'enquête mis à la charge des autorités leur incombant même en absence de plainte formelle (Velev c. Bulgarie, no 43531/08, §§ 59-60, 16 avril 2013).
  • EGMR, 13.10.2020 - 35880/14


    The authorities must act of their own motion once the matter has come to their attention (see, mutatis mutandis, Members of the Gldani Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and Others v. Georgia, no. 71156/01, § 97, 3 May 2007, and Al-Skeini and Others v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 55721/07, § 165, ECHR 2011, with references therein; see also Velev v. Bulgaria, no. 43531/08, § 60, 16 April 2013, for an example of a case where ill-treatment took place in the presence of police officers).
  • EGMR, 23.07.2015 - 24312/10


    The minimum standards of effectiveness defined by the Court's case-law include the requirements that the investigation must be independent, impartial and subject to public scrutiny, and that the competent authorities must act with exemplary diligence and promptness (see Aleksandr Nikonenko v. Ukraine, no. 54755/08, § 44, 14 November 2013; Velev v. Bulgaria, no. 43531/08, § 49, 16 April 2013; and Menesheva v. Russia, no. 59261/00, § 67, ECHR 2006-III).
  • EGMR, 31.05.2016 - 36286/14


    Elle a déjà jugé que le retard mis par des requérants à porter plainte n'est pas décisif dès lors que les autorités auraient dû être averties qu'une personne pouvait avoir subi des mauvais traitements, le devoir d'enquête mis à la charge des autorités leur incombant même en l'absence de plainte formelle (Velev c. Bulgarie, no 43531/08, §§ 59-60, 16 avril 2013, et Mocanu et autres c. Roumanie [GC], nos 10865/09, 45886/07 et 32431/08, § 265, CEDH 2014 (extraits)).
  • EGMR, 03.11.2015 - 67258/13


    It is true that in a more recent case it criticised the Bulgarian prosecuting authorities for failing to consider whether to bring charges under Article 287 in a clear case of ill-treatment of a suspect in the course of custodial interrogation which had led to confessions later used in the trial against him (see Lenev, cited above, § 123, as well as Velev v. Bulgaria, no. 43531/08, § 61, 16 April 2013).
  • EGMR, 19.12.2017 - 19796/14


    In this regard, the Court has held that an applicant's delay in lodging a complaint is not decisive where the authorities ought to have been aware that an individual could have been subjected to ill-treatment - particularly in the case of an assault which occurred in the presence of police officers - as the authorities" duty to investigate arises even in the absence of an express complaint (see Velev v. Bulgaria, no. 43531/08, §§ 59-60, 16 April 2013).
  • EGMR, 10.12.2015 - 24058/13

    ASLLANI v.

    In this connection, the Court reiterates that for an investigation required by Article 3 of the Convention to be regarded as "effective", it must not only be capable of leading to the establishment of the facts of the case and, if the allegations prove to be true, to the identification and punishment of those responsible (see Mikheyev, cited above, § 107); the competent authorities must also act with exemplary diligence and promptness (see Aleksandr Nikonenko v. Ukraine, no. 54755/08, § 44, 14 November 2013; Velev v. Bulgaria, no. 43531/08, § 49, 16 April 2013; and Menesheva v. Russia, no. 59261/00, § 67, ECHR 2006-III).
  • EGMR, 27.03.2018 - 60890/08


  • EGMR, 30.01.2018 - 65263/09


  • EGMR, 11.04.2017 - 72092/12


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