   EGMR, 04.10.2022 - 58342/15   

EGMR, 04.10.2022 - 58342/15 (,26596)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 04.10.2022 - 58342/15 (,26596)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 04. Oktober 2022 - 58342/15 (,26596)
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  • Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte


    Preliminary objection dismissed (Art. 35) Admissibility criteria;(Art. 35-3-b) No significant disadvantage;Remainder inadmissible (Art. 35) Admissibility criteria;(Art. 35-3-a) Manifestly ill-founded;No violation of Article 6 - Right to a fair trial (Article 6 - ...




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  • EGMR, 16.06.2015 - 784/14


    Auszug aus EGMR, 04.10.2022 - 58342/15
    In a judgment of 12 July 2013 (ECLI:HR:2013:BZ3640; see also Van Weerelt v. the Netherlands (dec.), no. 784/14, § 37, 16 June 2015, as well as paragraph 26 at point 4.9 above), which concerned proceedings against an order issued to a taxpayer by a provisional measures judge to submit, on pain of penalty payments, certain information and materials, the Supreme Court (Civil Chamber; civiele kamer) held that in as far as evidentiary material was concerned the existence of which is dependent on the will of the taxpayer, that material should not be used for the purpose of imposing a tax fine or of a criminal prosecution.

    In this respect it is observed that the determination of the "criminal charge" against the applicant had become final through the judicial rulings on his appeals against the (re-setting of the) tax fine that was allegedly grounded on information coerced from him (see, by contrast, Van Weerelt v. the Netherlands (dec.), no. 784/14, §§ 62 and 66, 16 June 2015).

    [2] See Van Weerelt v. the Netherlands (dec.), no. 784/14, § 37, 16 June 2015.

    [3] See, for this judgment, Van Weerelt v. the Netherlands (dec.), no. 784/14, § 37, 16 June 2015.

  • EGMR, 25.02.1993 - 10828/84


    Auszug aus EGMR, 04.10.2022 - 58342/15
    He cited Funke v. France (25 February 1993, Series A no. 256-A); J.B. v. Switzerland (cited above); Marttinen v. Finland (cited above); and Chambaz v. Switzerland (no. 11663/04, 5 April 2012).

    This meant that, in contrast to the situation in the cases of Funke v. France (25 February 1993, Series A no. 256-A) and J.B. v. Switzerland (cited above), there was no question of a "fishing expedition" in the case at hand.

  • EGMR, 29.06.2007 - 15809/02

    Recht auf ein faires Verfahren und Selbstbelastungsfreiheit (Kriterien für eine

    Auszug aus EGMR, 04.10.2022 - 58342/15
    After having taken note of the Court's considerations in the cases of Funke (cited above, § 44); Saunders (cited above, §§ 68-69), Choudhary v. the United Kingdom ((dec.), no. 40084/98, 4 May 1999), J.B. v. Switzerland (cited above, §§ 65-66, 68 and 71), O'Halloran and Francis v. the United Kingdom ([GC], nos.15809/02 and 25624/02, §§ 35, 53 and 58, ECHR 2007-III), Jalloh (cited above, §§ 110-11, 113, 117 and 123), Marttinen (cited above, §§ 68-69, 71-73 and 75-76), Chambaz (cited above, §§ 52-58) and several domestic rulings, the Advocate-General made the following considerations:.

    However, what constitutes a fair trial cannot be the subject of a single unvarying rule but must depend on the circumstances of the particular case (see O'Halloran and Francis v. the United Kingdom [GC], nos. 15809/02 and 25624/02, § 53, ECHR 2007-III).

  • EGMR, 29.06.2007 - 25624/02
    Auszug aus EGMR, 04.10.2022 - 58342/15
    After having taken note of the Court's considerations in the cases of Funke (cited above, § 44); Saunders (cited above, §§ 68-69), Choudhary v. the United Kingdom ((dec.), no. 40084/98, 4 May 1999), J.B. v. Switzerland (cited above, §§ 65-66, 68 and 71), O'Halloran and Francis v. the United Kingdom ([GC], nos.15809/02 and 25624/02, §§ 35, 53 and 58, ECHR 2007-III), Jalloh (cited above, §§ 110-11, 113, 117 and 123), Marttinen (cited above, §§ 68-69, 71-73 and 75-76), Chambaz (cited above, §§ 52-58) and several domestic rulings, the Advocate-General made the following considerations:.

    However, what constitutes a fair trial cannot be the subject of a single unvarying rule but must depend on the circumstances of the particular case (see O'Halloran and Francis v. the United Kingdom [GC], nos. 15809/02 and 25624/02, § 53, ECHR 2007-III).

  • EGMR, 04.05.1999 - 40084/98


    Auszug aus EGMR, 04.10.2022 - 58342/15
    After having taken note of the Court's considerations in the cases of Funke (cited above, § 44); Saunders (cited above, §§ 68-69), Choudhary v. the United Kingdom ((dec.), no. 40084/98, 4 May 1999), J.B. v. Switzerland (cited above, §§ 65-66, 68 and 71), O'Halloran and Francis v. the United Kingdom ([GC], nos.15809/02 and 25624/02, §§ 35, 53 and 58, ECHR 2007-III), Jalloh (cited above, §§ 110-11, 113, 117 and 123), Marttinen (cited above, §§ 68-69, 71-73 and 75-76), Chambaz (cited above, §§ 52-58) and several domestic rulings, the Advocate-General made the following considerations:.

    With reference to Choudhary v. the United Kingdom ((dec.), no. 40084/98, 4 May 1999), the applicant further argued that a pre-existing document is not evidence that exists independently of the will of the suspect if the prosecution authorities would not have been able to take cognisance of it without coercing the suspect, and it was, moreover, clear from the Court's considerations in the cases of J.B. v. Switzerland and Chambaz (cited above) that the materials requested from him were covered by the privilege against self-incrimination and that the exception for evidence whose existence was not dependent on the will of the applicant did not apply.

  • EGMR, 11.07.2006 - 54810/00

    Einsatz von Brechmitteln; Selbstbelastungsfreiheit (Schutzbereich; faires

    Auszug aus EGMR, 04.10.2022 - 58342/15
    This is not altered by the fact that some active participation of the taxpayer - consisting in the case at hand in the submission of the documents by post - is required (see also Jalloh v. Germany [GC], no. 54810/00, [§ 114,] ECHR 2006-IX).".

    Referring to the Court's considerations in Saunders v. the United Kingdom (17 December 1996, Reports 1996-VI), which considerations had been built on by the Netherlands domestic courts and which, according to the Government, had not been abandoned by the Court in subsequent case-law, as well as the Court's findings in Jalloh v. Germany ([GC], no. 54810/00, §§ 100-02, ECHR 2006-IX), the Government were of the opinion that the coercion exercised in this case had not been in violation of Article 6 of the Convention.

  • EGMR, 10.09.2002 - 76574/01


    Auszug aus EGMR, 04.10.2022 - 58342/15
    Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) does not preclude this (see [Allen v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 76574/01, 10 September 2002] and [Marttinen v. Finland, no. 19235/03, § 68, 21 April 2009]).

    In Allen v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 76574/01, ECHR 2002-VIII, the Court held that the requirement on the applicant to make a declaration of his assets to the revenue service did not disclose any issue under Article 6 even though a separate penalty was attached to a failure to do so.

  • EGMR, 05.11.2002 - 48539/99

    Selbstbelastungsfreiheit (Umgehungsschutz; Schweigerecht; materieller /

    Auszug aus EGMR, 04.10.2022 - 58342/15
    Not all direct compulsion will destroy the very essence of the privilege against self-incrimination and thus lead to a violation of Article 6. In examining whether, in a given procedure, compulsion has extinguished the very essence of this privilege, the Court will consider, in particular, the nature and degree of the compulsion, the existence of any relevant safeguards in the procedure and, crucially, the use to which any material so obtained is put (see, for instance, Allan v. the United Kingdom, no. 48539/99, § 44, ECHR 2002-IX; Jalloh, cited above, § 101; and Ibrahim and Others, cited above, § 269).
  • EGMR, 15.11.2016 - 24130/11


    Auszug aus EGMR, 04.10.2022 - 58342/15
    24130/11 and 29758/11, § 133, 15 November 2016).
  • EuGH, 18.10.1989 - 374/87

    Orkem / Kommission

    Auszug aus EGMR, 04.10.2022 - 58342/15
    EUROPEAN UNION LAW 40. In its judgment of 18 October 1989 in Orkem v Commission (C-374/87, EU:C:1989:387) concerning European competition law, the Court of Justice of the European Communities ("the CJEC", which on 1 December 2009 became known as the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)) examined the powers of the Commission to obtain information from an undertaking[4] under investigation.
  • EuGH, 02.02.2021 - C-481/19

    Eine natürliche Person, gegen die die Behörden wegen Insidergeschäften ermitteln,

  • EuGH, 15.10.2002 - C-238/99

    Limburgse Vinyl Maatschappij (LVM) / Kommission

  • EGMR, 21.12.2000 - 34720/97


  • EuG, 28.04.2010 - T-446/05

    Das Gericht bestätigt die Geldbußen in einer Gesamthöhe von 23,44 Millionen Euro,

  • EuGH, 28.01.2021 - C-466/19

    Qualcomm und Qualcomm Europe/ Kommission

  • EGMR, 07.06.2012 - 4837/06


  • EGMR, 28.11.2013 - 43095/05


  • EGMR, 16.11.2004 - 13881/02


  • EGMR, 04.04.2024 - 78630/17


    S'agissant des principes généraux en matière du droit à un procès équitable et du droit de garder le silence, il est renvoyé aux arrêts Ibrahim et autres c. Royaume-Uni ([GC], nos 50541/08 et 3 autres, §§ 266-273, 13 septembre 2016), Beuze c. Belgique ([GC], no 71409/10, §§ 125-130, 9 novembre 2018), et De Legé c. Pays-Bas (no 58342/15, §§ 60-61, 63-68, 4 octobre 2022).
  • EGMR, 14.12.2023 - 41298/21


    Par ailleurs, il n'est pas allégué que le requérant ait fait l'objet d'une quelconque forme de coercition, de sorte qu'aucune question ne se pose en l'espèce sous l'angle du droit de ne pas s'incriminer soi-même (De Legé c. Pays-Bas, no 58342/15, §§ 65 et 74, 4 octobre 2022).
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