   EGMR, 20.05.2014 - 73593/10   

EGMR, 20.05.2014 - 73593/10 (,10351)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 20.05.2014 - 73593/10 (,10351)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 20. Mai 2014 - 73593/10 (,10351)
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Volltextveröffentlichungen (2)

  • Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte


    Art. 3, Art. 6, Art. 6 Abs. 1, Art. 35, Art. 41, Art. 46, Art. 46 Abs. 2 MRK
    Remainder inadmissible Violation of Article 3 - Prohibition of torture (Article 3 - Degrading punishment Inhuman punishment) (Substantive aspect) Violation of Article 6 - Right to a fair trial (Article 6 - Criminal proceedings Article 6-1 - Reasonable time) ...

  • juris(Abodienst) (Volltext/Leitsatz)

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Wird zitiert von ... (12)Neu Zitiert selbst (11)

  • EGMR, 17.09.2009 - 10249/03

    Rückwirkende Strafschärfung und Anerkennung des Meistbegünstigungsprinzips als

    Auszug aus EGMR, 20.05.2014 - 73593/10
    With a view, however, to helping the respondent State fulfil its obligations under Article 46, the Court may seek to indicate the type of individual and/or general measures that might be taken in order to put an end to the situation it has found to exist (see Broniowski v. Poland [GC], no. 31443/96, § 194, ECHR 2004-V; Scoppola v. Italy (no. 2) [GC], no. 10249/03, § 148, ECHR 2009; and Stanev v. Bulgaria [GC], no. 36760/06, § 255, 17 January 2012).
  • EGMR, 12.02.2008 - 21906/04


    Auszug aus EGMR, 20.05.2014 - 73593/10
    The relevant texts of the Council of Europe, the European Union and other international legal texts on the imposition and review of sentences of life imprisonment, including the obligations of Council of Europe member States when extraditing individuals to States where they may face such sentences, are set out in Kafkaris v. Cyprus ([GC], no. 21906/04, §§ 68-76, ECHR 2008), and Vinter and Others v. the United Kingdom ([GC], nos. 66069/09, 130/10 and 3896/10, §§ 60-75, 9 July 2013).
  • EGMR, 17.01.2012 - 36760/06


    Auszug aus EGMR, 20.05.2014 - 73593/10
    With a view, however, to helping the respondent State fulfil its obligations under Article 46, the Court may seek to indicate the type of individual and/or general measures that might be taken in order to put an end to the situation it has found to exist (see Broniowski v. Poland [GC], no. 31443/96, § 194, ECHR 2004-V; Scoppola v. Italy (no. 2) [GC], no. 10249/03, § 148, ECHR 2009; and Stanev v. Bulgaria [GC], no. 36760/06, § 255, 17 January 2012).
  • EGMR, 25.03.1999 - 25444/94


    Auszug aus EGMR, 20.05.2014 - 73593/10
    The Court reiterates that the reasonableness of the length of proceedings must be assessed in the light of the circumstances of the case and with reference to the following criteria: the complexity of the case, the conduct of the applicant and the relevant authorities and what was at stake for the applicant in the dispute (see, among many other authorities, Pélissier and Sassi v. France [GC], no. 25444/94, § 67, ECHR 1999-II).
  • EGMR, 24.10.2002 - 37703/97

    Verantwortung des Staates für Mord durch beurlaubte Gefangene; Verpflichtung des

    Auszug aus EGMR, 20.05.2014 - 73593/10
    Indeed, preventing a criminal from re-offending is one of the "essential functions" of a prison sentence (see Mastromatteo v. Italy [GC], no. 37703/97, § 72, ECHR 2002-VIII; Maiorano and Others v. Italy, no. 28634/06, § 108, 15 December 2009; and, mutatis mutandis, Choreftakis and Choreftaki v. Greece, no. 46846/08, § 45, 17 January 2012).
  • EGMR, 13.07.2000 - 39221/98


    Auszug aus EGMR, 20.05.2014 - 73593/10
    Given these provisions, it follows, inter alia, that a judgment in which the Court finds a breach imposes on the respondent State a legal obligation not just to pay those concerned any sums awarded by way of just satisfaction, but also to choose, subject to supervision by the Committee of Ministers, the general and/or, if appropriate, individual measures to be adopted in their domestic legal order to put an end to the violation found by the Court and to redress, in so far as possible, the effects thereof (see Scozzari and Giunta v. Italy [GC], nos. 39221/98 and 41963/98, § 249, ECHR 2000-VIII).
  • EGMR, 16.12.1999 - 24888/94

    Mord an James Bulger

    Auszug aus EGMR, 20.05.2014 - 73593/10
    As the Court has stated, it is not its role to decide what is the appropriate term of detention applicable to a particular offence or to pronounce on the appropriate length of detention or other sentence which should be served by a person after conviction by a competent court (see T. v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 24724/94, § 117, 16 December 1999; V. v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 24888/94, § 118, ECHR 1999-IX; Sawoniuk v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 63716/00, ECHR 2001-VI and Vinter, cited above, § 105).
  • EGMR, 16.12.1999 - 24724/94

    Mord an James Bulger

    Auszug aus EGMR, 20.05.2014 - 73593/10
    As the Court has stated, it is not its role to decide what is the appropriate term of detention applicable to a particular offence or to pronounce on the appropriate length of detention or other sentence which should be served by a person after conviction by a competent court (see T. v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 24724/94, § 117, 16 December 1999; V. v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 24888/94, § 118, ECHR 1999-IX; Sawoniuk v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 63716/00, ECHR 2001-VI and Vinter, cited above, § 105).
  • EGMR, 29.05.2001 - 63716/00


    Auszug aus EGMR, 20.05.2014 - 73593/10
    As the Court has stated, it is not its role to decide what is the appropriate term of detention applicable to a particular offence or to pronounce on the appropriate length of detention or other sentence which should be served by a person after conviction by a competent court (see T. v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 24724/94, § 117, 16 December 1999; V. v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 24888/94, § 118, ECHR 1999-IX; Sawoniuk v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 63716/00, ECHR 2001-VI and Vinter, cited above, § 105).
  • EGMR, 17.01.2012 - 130/10
    Auszug aus EGMR, 20.05.2014 - 73593/10
    The relevant texts of the Council of Europe, the European Union and other international legal texts on the imposition and review of sentences of life imprisonment, including the obligations of Council of Europe member States when extraditing individuals to States where they may face such sentences, are set out in Kafkaris v. Cyprus ([GC], no. 21906/04, §§ 68-76, ECHR 2008), and Vinter and Others v. the United Kingdom ([GC], nos. 66069/09, 130/10 and 3896/10, §§ 60-75, 9 July 2013).
  • EGMR, 17.01.2012 - 46846/08


  • BVerwG, 26.03.2018 - 1 VR 1.18

    Eilantrag zur Verhinderung der Abschiebung eines islamistischen Gefährders nach

    Außerdem haben zu lebenslanger Freiheitsstrafe Verurteilte ein Recht darauf, schon bei Strafantritt zu wissen, was sie tun müssen, um für eine Entlassung in Betracht gezogen zu werden, und unter welchen Voraussetzungen dies der Fall ist (EGMR, Urteile vom 20. Mai 2014 - Nr. 73593/10, László Magyar/Ungarn - Rn. 53 und vom 4. September 2014 - Nr. 140/10, Trabelsi/Belgien - Rn. 115; EGMR , Urteil vom 17. Januar 2017 - Nr. 57592/08, Hutchinson/U.K. - Rn. 44).
  • EGMR, 26.04.2016 - 10511/10


    This assessment must be based on rules having a sufficient degree of clarity and certainty (ibid., §§ 125 and 129; see also László Magyar v. Hungary, no. 73593/10, § 57, 20 May 2014, and Harakchiev and Tolumov v. Bulgaria, nos. 15018/11 and 61199/12, §§ 255, 257 and 262, ECHR 2014 (extracts)) and the conditions laid down in domestic legislation must reflect the conditions set out in the Court's case-law (see Vinter and Others, cited above, § 128).

    Laszlo Magyar v. Hungary, no. 73593/10, § 57, 20 May 2014.

  • EGMR, 23.05.2017 - 22662/13


    Having excluded all the other possibilities for mitigating life sentences in Lithuania, the Court finds that a stricter scrutiny of the regulation and practice of presidential pardon, which the Government saw as the most effective measure, is required (see László Magyar v. Hungary, no. 73593/10, § 56, 20 May 2014).

    In the case of László Magyar v. Hungary (no. 73593/10, 20 May 2014), the Court found a violation of Article 3 of the Convention on the basis that the Hungarian presidential pardon system did not conform to the requirements of post-conviction Vinter review for three reasons.

    To highlight just a few: Öcalan v. Turkey (no. 2) (nos. 24069/03, 197/04, 6201/06 and 10464/07, 18 March 2014); László Magyar v. Hungary (no. 73593/10, 20 May 2014); Harakchiev and Tolumov v. Bulgaria (nos. 15018/11 and 61199/12, ECHR 2014 (extracts)); Cacko v. Slovakia (no. 49905/08, 22 July 2014); Trabelsi v. Belgium (no. 140/10, ECHR 2014 (extracts)); Murray (cited above); T.P. and A.T. v. Hungary (cited above); and, finally, Hutchinson (cited above).

  • EGMR, 13.06.2019 - 77633/16


    Sur les autres remčdes internes visant au réexamen de la peine 133. Pour ce qui est enfin des affirmations du Gouvernement, selon lesquelles le systčme interne prévoit deux autres remčdes pour obtenir le réexamen de la peine, ŕ savoir la demande de grâce présidentielle et la demande de suspension de la peine pour raisons de santé (paragraphe 81 ci-dessus), la Cour rappelle sa jurisprudence pertinente en l'espčce selon laquelle la possibilité pour un détenu purgeant une peine perpétuelle de bénéficier d'une grâce ou d'une remise en liberté, pour des motifs d'humanité tenant ŕ un mauvais état de santé, ŕ une invalidité physique ou ŕ un âge avancé, ne correspond pas ŕ ce que recouvre l'expression « perspective d'élargissement'employée depuis l'arręt Kafkaris (précité, § 127 ; voir aussi Öcalan, précité, § 203, et László Magyar c. Hongrie, no 73593/10, §§ 57 et 58, 20 mai 2014).

    « Pour ce qui est enfin des affirmations du Gouvernement, selon lesquelles le systčme interne prévoit deux autres remčdes pour obtenir le réexamen de la peine, ŕ savoir la demande de grâce présidentielle et la demande de suspension de la peine pour raisons de santé (...), la Cour rappelle sa jurisprudence pertinente en l'espčce selon laquelle la possibilité pour un détenu purgeant une peine perpétuelle de bénéficier d'une grâce ou d'une remise en liberté, pour des motifs d'humanité tenant ŕ un mauvais état de santé, ŕ une invalidité physique ou ŕ un âge avancé, ne correspond pas ŕ ce que recouvre l'expression « perspective d'élargissement'employée depuis l'arręt Kafkaris (précité, § 127 ; voir aussi Öcalan, précité, § 203, et László Magyar c. Hongrie, no 73593/10, §§ 57 et 58, 20 mai 2014).

  • EGMR, 04.10.2016 - 37871/14

    T.P. AND A.T. v. HUNGARY

    In this regard, the applicants pointed out that, in the case of László Magyar v. Hungary (no. 73593/10, 20 May 2014), the Court required that when creating a review mechanism a State should ensure that the decision allowing or rejecting a pardon request contain the reasons behind it, and that a convicted person can reasonably foresee the conditions under which a pardon can be granted.

    This assessment must be based on rules having a sufficient degree of clarity and certainty (ibid., §§ 125 and 129; see also László Magyar v. Hungary, no. 73593/10, § 57, 20 May 2014, and Harakchiev and Tolumov v. Bulgaria, nos. 15018/11 and 61199/12, §§ 255, 257 and 262, ECHR 2014 (extracts)) and the conditions laid down in domestic legislation must reflect the conditions set out in the Court's case-law (see Vinter and Others, cited above, § 128).

    15018/11 and 61199/12, § 244, 8 July 2014; but compare and contrast László Magyar v. Hungary, no. 73593/10, § 58, 20 May 2014).

  • EGMR, 17.01.2017 - 57592/08


    Similar systems in Hungary and Bulgaria were likewise found not to meet the requisite standard: László Magyar v. Hungary, no. 73593/10, 20 May 2014, and Harakchiev and Tolumov v. Bulgaria, nos.
  • EGMR, 04.12.2018 - 40192/10


    La Cour ne dispose d'aucun élément ou argument qui permettrait de dire que tel ne sera pas le cas dans l'examen par cette instance des griefs des requérants concernant la nature incompressible de la réclusion criminelle ŕ perpétuité aggravée au regard de l'article 3 de la Convention (pour la jurisprudence de la Cour en la matičre, voir Vinter et autres c. Royaume-Uni [GC], nos 66069/09 et 2 autres, §§ 107-131, CEDH 2013 (extraits), Harakchiev et Tolumov c. Bulgarie, nos 15018/11 et 61199/12, §§ 247-268, CEDH 2014 (extraits), László Magyar c. Hongrie, no 73593/10, §§ 55-58, 20 mai 2014, Öcalan (no 2) précité, §§ 193-207, Kaytan c. Turquie, no 27422/05, §§ 63-68, 15 septembre 2015, Gurban c. Turquie no 4947/04, §§ 30-35, 15 décembre 2015, Murray c. Pays-Bas [GC], no 10511/10, §§ 99-104, 26 avril 2016, Hutchinson c. Royaume-Uni [GC], no 57592/08, §§ 37-73, 17 janvier 2017, et Matiosaitis et autres c. Lituanie, nos 22662/13 et 7 autres, §§ 156-183, 23 mai 2017 ; voir également Bodein c. France (no 40014/10, §§ 53-62, 13 novembre 2014), affaire dans laquelle la condamnation du requérant ŕ une peine perpétuelle qui était susceptible d'ętre réexaminée vingt-six ans aprčs son prononcé a été considérée conforme ŕ la Convention ; voir aussi T.P. et A.T c. Hongrie (37871/14 et 73986/14, 4 octobre 2016) oů la réclusion ŕ perpétuité était réexaminée automatiquement au bout de 40 ans (violation)).
  • EGMR, 03.02.2015 - 57592/08


    24069/03, 197/04, 6201/06 and 10464/07, §§ 193-198, 18 March 2014; László Magyar v. Hungary, no. 73593/10, §§ 46-53, 20 May 2014; Harakchiev and Tolumov v. Bulgaria, nos.
  • EGMR, 13.11.2014 - 40014/10


    Faisant application des principes dégagés dans l'arręt Vinter, la Cour a récemment jugé que la seule perspective d'une libération pour motifs humanitaires, ou d'une grâce présidentielle pouvant prendre la forme du pardon - sans que le détenu ne sache ce qu'il devait faire pour que sa libération soit envisagée et quelles étaient les conditions applicables - ne sont pas des mécanismes efficients de réexamen de la peine permettant la prise en compte de l'évolution des condamnés ŕ perpétuité (Öcalan c. Turquie (no 2), nos 24069/03, 197/04, 6201/06 et 10464/07, § 203, 18 mars 2014, et, László Magyar c. Hongrie, no 73593/10, §§ 57-58, 20 mai 2014).
  • KG, 14.12.2015 - 151 AuslA 121/15

    Lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe in Ungarn

    Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte hat mit Urteil vom 20. Mai 2014 in dem Verfahren Laszlo Magyar ./. Ungarn (Antrag Nr. 73593/10) festgestellt, dass diese rechtliche Regelung den Anforderungen des Art. 3 EMRK widerspricht und die lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe bei Ausschluss der Möglichkeit einer bedingten Entlassung daher gegen das in Art. 3 EMRK kodifizierte Verbot unmenschlicher oder erniedrigender Bestrafung verstößt.
  • EGMR, 12.02.2019 - 33056/16


  • EGMR, 23.05.2017 - 31739/13


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